I’ve fully switched to Firefox everywhere. The only thing I’m missing is a lightweight browser which is not based on chromium for my potato tablet. jQuarks viewer is a good one but can be dumb sometimes, it opens image instead of the link for eg.
I’ve fully switched to Firefox everywhere. The only thing I’m missing is a lightweight browser which is not based on chromium for my potato tablet. jQuarks viewer is a good one but can be dumb sometimes, it opens image instead of the link for eg.
If size is the concern then you are better off sticking to x265 encodes. Personally I don’t go above 1080p and use PSArips most of the time.
The lag is why I haven’t switched to it. I’m used to KISS Launcher “Blazingly fast launcher focused on search” and it is 100% true to it’s tagline.
What’s up with monocles dev? They have a bunch of forked projects with their own name.
Monocles Launcher is based on KISS Launcher.
I’ve donated to VLC multiple times in the past and have a subscription for wikipedia
+1 for Psych. I love the relationship between Gus and Shawn
Psych (2006) is by far the best series I have seen
Also KeePass, I’ve switched from bitwarden to KeePassDX on mobile and set up syncing to nextcloud and google drive. Aegis for time based OTP’s.
I moved to Firefox on desktop years ago.
On mobile I use Firefox as default, Cromite if something does not work on Firefox, Kiwi Browser as backup.
Firefox and Kiwi Browser on mobile is a bit sluggish and slow on my phone.
Also, fun fact - one of the lemmy developers also developed torrents–csv
Oh I think it might be elementaryOS. I remember never getting antergOS to install, good old times. That said, I do have experience with bare arch install and AUR is indeed awesome.
I no longer use arch btw. I will try endeavor this weekend, thanks!
How is Endeavor OS? I’m using kubuntu now and wanted to switch to something with a lean base. I recall there were some issues with the founder leaving the project.
Yep, and if you are on mobile, Cloudstream is where it’s at.
Thanks, will check this out!
Do you know you can just use the private dns option if you are on Android > 9. I use nextdns too.
I’ve started filling my neighborhood in openstreetmaps because I want to use Organic Maps
I used to use mobilism and would recommend it. Nowadays I just find foss alternatives
Ah man, I wonder how this will look like. Puts me in a dreamy optimistic utopian mindset. Why don’t we have FTL travel already ಠ_ಠ