Aww hell yeah that looks nice. Can’t wait to try it out.
Aww hell yeah that looks nice. Can’t wait to try it out.
I love getting years of good service from old computers, but I do want to add something: old laptop means old battery, and if they’re not producing the same form factor anymore, then even a replacement battery will probably be old stock that’s been degrading for years. Unfortunately I don’t know what company’s models have the best longevity here in terms of battery form factor.
I was in 6th grade and wanted to know more about computers. I thought being a computer programmer would be a cool job one day. I’d heard Linux was difficult to install and use and thought hey, that’ll help me learn. So I had my parents get me a copy of Mandrake 6. It was perfect because I had the free time to play with it and figure stuff out by making mistakes and fixing them without the pressure of having to do really important work.
I do preach the good word of FOSS, but only to those who are in a position to appreciate the suggestion and benefit from it.
Sure there are edge cases and whatnot, but just go ahead and move the drive over. If it doesn’t work I’ll buy you a beer.
What? Really? But as a cartoon how does that even work if it’s not ironic? … He asked rhetorically, knowing the right wing humor is basically just incoherent hate.
Thank you for this explanation.
It’s not just about treating current employees well. It’s also about offering enough at the hiring stage to attract more good workers. Higher starting pay and a better reputation as a place to work means more people applying, means that Methface Matt can’t compete with TypeA Teresa to get hired in the first place.
Stephen’s dad, is that you?
The “silent majority” is neither.
Unlike capitalism, which is a bunch of random people climbing on eachothers back and when one gets to the top he is not expected to pull the others up.
Okay but when speaking do we call it “dubs-get” or no?
I dunno. I like to have a fresh start sometimes. Take your documents, maybe just your fav config files, and plop them into a fresh install. Not everyone’s cup of tea but I like it.
Where I work just switching into a TTY would be enough to keep anyone out.
I’ve been getting into primitive technology lately. It all started when I looked at my back yard and thought hey, if we call it red clay, then I should be able to make it into pottery. I take dirt from my yard, levigate it, add grog and wedge, hand-build pots, and fire them in my fire pit. Been making sharpening stones from river rocks. Crafting replicas of Roman machines. That sort of thing.
Have you ever gotten GNU/Hurd running on hardware?
Unless you think “from scratch” sounds nice.