I think you’re about to find out just how much people care lol
I think you’re about to find out just how much people care lol
Oof I don’t even want to know what kind of forever chemicals are leaching into the food in that pic…
I use it, I just tip way more than anyone else in my area tips. Mostly out of guilt, partially out of solidarity for the working person. I like to think my order at bumps that avg hourly rate up at bit.
Explain how!
That’s a good point, masochists have a pretty big loophole to Golden Rule, don’t they?
That’s rookie numbers…
That’s the paradox… When shit works well, ignorant people think we don’t need the shit that makes everything work well anymore.
Usually people like this start with the conclusion, and then search only for things that reinforce that (and ignore anything that conflicts). So, chances are, he wanted to believe that for whatever reason, so he sought reinforcement for that stupid idea. And found it.
Because most people are completely scientifically illiterate and do not understand the analogy you’re making because they don’t know what “atmosphere” is.
I bet you made that dude’s day when you told him that.
Not all well water is untreated…
Well luckily for you, apparently it’s now acceptable to just blast your music out loud in public.
I wouldn’t even call it a luxury. Hasn’t been for years.
I hope the photographer snapped a few photos. Seems like a once in a lifetime situation.
That’s great. Hopefully that was a formative memory for that kid… I’ve had one or two moments when I was a young teen, where I had to have a friend break a hard truth to me about my behavior/attitude, and I still remember it because he was absolutely right and just being aware of it made a huge difference from that point forward. I still think about what he said sometimes.
I only wish someone had said something sooner…
Honestly, as someone who has held similar customer-facing positions when he was younger: it’s interactions like these that keep you going. It’s even better when it’s a government agency, because they’re not trying to turn a profit so they’re not going to bend over backwards to make a rich person happy.
The best is when people like this demand to speak to a superior, and then the superior comes over and says the exact same shit the employee just did.
Imagine thinking someone who works at the DMV gives a single shit who you are lol
Do it