True. It doesn’t even install on Android 14.
True. It doesn’t even install on Android 14.
Fcitx5 is the best for Chinese. Honestly very impressed that there is a open-source keyboard this good for Chinese. Only thing missing is fat finger error correction (like autocorrect but it works on the preedit text instead of text already output)
Fcitx5 for Chinese, and Flickboard for English. Honestly sad that there isn’t a decent open-source keyboard for Japanese though.
No, I don’t think Lemmy supports following users.
I don’t want to sound like I’m on Discord’s side (I dislike nitro too), but that’s honestly just how a lot of paid add-on features on free apps work. They take away some functionality from the free one to incentivize people to pay.
I can tell when there are electronics turned on around me even if they aren’t intended to make noise, because they all seem to give off this kind of almost imperceptible high pitch whine.
I can also hear the noise that some batteries make when they get charged.
Holy shit the bangs work at the end of the search query too!? I’ve always painfully pressed Home on my keyboard to add a !g whenever I realise I had better searched this on Google
At first glance I thought the girl hooked the earring on the door and tore her ear to guilt you into paying the medical expenses on purpose, lol.
Yes, yes it did. I didn’t understand that sentence until I saw this version with quotes.
That all large salty bodies of water were called “the mediterranean sea.”
yes! Please seed more on i2p!
I love this too! However I switched to FlickBoard, which employs the same concept but has more features. For example, I can put the number keys left to the letters. I encourage you to give it a try!
I see! Thanks, will try to back up my docker compose services this way.
Can you elaborate on how your backup script re-deploys on new hardware? Sounds very nice to have.
me too. tumbleweed is great
it really does suck. mine started since I was 14, like wtf
Thanks! I might use that, since I do already have Nginx Proxy Manager set up.
I want to learn stenography, but haven’t really got to buying a keyboard designed for it. I also want to host an EteSync server, but the HTTPS thing has been a bit of a headache for me and I’ve mostly just left it sitting there.
Is that a 35-digit PIN or a 35-character password?
Sorry if this is off-topic, but I can’t be the only one who read the title as “pegging canada,” right?