I am not sure about your exact question but will mention that gracefully shutting down and powering up the server may be difficult and time consuming.
I try things on the internet.
rarely, shit just works.
I am not sure about your exact question but will mention that gracefully shutting down and powering up the server may be difficult and time consuming.
6 drive bays in a 1u server?! That might be difficult.
Are you using docker?
There is lots more that should be considered when hardening the server. You may want to consult a sysadmin if you are doing this commercially. A password is very weak authentication.
Yes you will need to forward port 80 and 443 to your server from your tplink router.
Your router’s ipv6 needs to be used for noip
Make sure you are exposing your lan network over your vpn and have routes setup accordingly.
Shabydes Desbyign
I think i went to high school with her.
What do the logs say when you run that command?
Are you intending to route traffic through the VPN to your machine?
Is the VPN always-on?
Basically, if your goal is to route traffic from the VPN to your server, I have to assume your VPN is not intended for privacy (aka preventing ISPs from seeing your data), but rather a purpose-built VPN setup to route traffic from the internet to your server over the VPN. This is a pretty rare setup though and usually done for a specific reason, so I’m assuming you have a VPN for privacy reasons. IF this is true, your first step to getting this setup easily is to disable the VPN or to ignore the VPN for the purposes of setup. I’m not aware of any VPN providers who will give you a static IP with which you can use to forward traffic to your computer. The closest thing I can think of is using cloudflare as a reverse proxy to your home computer, but i don’t think that’s what’s happening here.
Ignoring the VPN, you need to find out what your IPv4 address is. You can find this by going to https://ipv4.icanhazip.com/ . Once you have this, make sure that NameCheap DNS records are pointing to that IP. After that, you’ll need to open your home router admin page and forward port 80 and 443 to your server.
Let me know if you need help and i can help you further. I don’t know of a guide or video, i just have my brain.
Xmpp, irc, email and websites are all pretty small in terms of resource usage. Where you’ll have problems are with heavy compute workloads like 3d rendering, AI, 3d gaming (sorry, no crysis), and crypto mining. They all can be done on a rpi but not done well.
Zima board?
Plex, running locally, on my server: “You should add a server!”
Plex, running locally, on my server: “Claim!”
Plex, running locally, on my server, after claiming my server: “You should add a server!”
That’s why I deleted it, bucko. Wrong person. Unrelated.
It’s not my opinion, it’s fact. Spellcheckers and LLMs are not new. I’ve built a few of them. It isn’t intelligence. That’s not refutable.
deleted by creator
LLM != intelligence.
Sometimes when people put their hard work into building an app for free, they don’t also want to pay $99 a year so that some bullshit company can profit off of the app developers hard work.
iOS developers are REQUIRED to own a mac and are REQUIRED to pay apple $99 a year. That means it is more costly to develop open source for iOS or any apple product. That’s why apple is terrible.
“We” don’t exist, or rather “we” don’t know what makes us “us”, except for what we do know. Consciousness isn’t fully understood.
Develop the apps you wish to see in this world.