FOP? What’s that?
Shredded cheese instead of proper squeaky cheese curds. 😬
There’s a less funny scene about this in Midsommar
I’m quite happy not placing myself in the same American bucket, not sure why anyone would say that.
This is what is known among scholars as a joke.
Sorry, when someone says something ridiculous I can’t help but call it out. Call it a character flaw if you like.
I might as well argue that the sky is blue. There are countless ways technology has benefited humanity, it’s sort of ridiculous to say otherwise outside of some thought experiment.
What an absurd thing to think.
I like them! There’s a nice little Canadian folk song about them too
Well you said that the problem lays with India’s trade relations with Russia, and this is a thread about Indian students facing discrimination in Ukraine.
Were you not justifying this discrimination based on India’s trade relationship?
Why should young students be held accountable for their governments actions?
Well, if what you’re doing isn’t working you should try something else. Try something more active than just chilling, and engage in a less male dominated community. You could volunteer your time somewhere, or join a club or team.
Your hobbies don’t even need to be mainstream, if you’re more of the nerdy persuasion there are plenty of women in the RPG and LARP scenes for example.
Have you tried finding a hobby that involves interacting with people?
Are you telling me that Axe bodyspray isn’t actually an uncontrollable aphrodisiac to all women within 50 meters?
Excellent news!
The I don’t wipe or wash my ass because that’s gay crowd. What a special bunch.
It is wrong. Strawberry has 3 r’s