Too late for some things. Some retailers have already marked prices up since they will pay more to replenish their inventory.
Too late for some things. Some retailers have already marked prices up since they will pay more to replenish their inventory.
Might as well put Hitler there beside him.
When Musk controls the western world, Putin will invite him to the 23 floor for a cup of tea.
Tired of 14 YO “experts” and trolls.
Dogs are great! People who like dogs - generally not the mean Pit Bulls, or Rottweiler types though - are good people. You can jog and hike with your dog. They are great conversation starters.
Note: Not saying Pits and Rots are mean but some people tend to get them because they want a dog perceived to be vicious and proceed to train them that way.
Learn stuff, don’t eat processed foods and get exercise - gardening and foraging are good places to start for most people. Stay far away from negative, manipulative and lying people.
You can bet western countries already have troops and advisors helping in Ukraine.
Exactly. It really depends on the person though. Some people lack imagination and motivation while others keep exploring and opening new doors. Foraging, grafting and no plow, no till gardening are my latest interests.
Our catch-all drawer has screwdrivers, pliers and enough other tools to rebuild an engine, plus office supplies.
There are people who are still in congress who had polio.
Switched to a low carb diet. Originally had serious heart problems. First Dr said to eat no fat and eat healthy grains. Had more heart problems. Switched to low carb, minimal grains. Ate non-processed meats, fats, and organic vegetables foods in general. Lost 50 pounds without any dieting what-so-ever and have way more ambition. New Dr said my arteries were now “squeaky clean” after a cardiac catheterization. Seems my heart problems were not hereditary as the first Dr said, but rather I can’t handle carbs because of my hereditary. Turns out about half of the population has genes that don’t allow them to handle carbs well - they tend to put on weight and have health issues like clogged arteries, diabetes, arthritis or cancer, maybe MS too. The diet change took a few years to fully kick in though. The difference however, was noticeable after the first 100 days.
infidel /ĭn′fĭ-dəl, -dĕl″/ noun
Instead Americans handed the country over to a felon, rapist, liar, infidel and pedophile.
Yes. Yes. Yes. DO IT NOW! Buy the equipment and technology from whoever they can. Even if they do it illegally. Countries that do not have nukes are subjects to those that do.
Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, “The Man Who Saved America.”, hands down. He single-handedly defeated a fascist overthrow of the U.S. government in 1933. AKA, the Devil Dog. He is not in history books because fascist are still in control.
You mean this dossier?
Mastodon is also full of weird political shit.
You have been friending the wrong people.
Weird little butthole mouth.
Hey, when you’re rich you can grab them by the balls.