in a year from now, ceo’s will probably have a bit more private security and do less walking around in cities at 6 in the morning alone. I agree with you on the rest though
in a year from now, ceo’s will probably have a bit more private security and do less walking around in cities at 6 in the morning alone. I agree with you on the rest though
crowdstrike has caused issues like this with linux systems in the past, but sounds like they have now moved to eBPF user mode by default (I don’t know enough about low level linux to understand that though haha), and it now can’t crash the whole computer. source
for 3d printed gun people (not personally one of them, just browsed their subreddit once), they use some vaguely blockchain crypto related p2p video host called LBRY, not sure if that model is scalable though, as it seems to be based around free p2p hosting like torrents, although there was some mention of hosting fees, presumably in crypto? not sure
the infrastructure of the pirate streaming sites is impressive, but I bet that is still orders of magnitude easier than hosting youtube.
I wonder why grayjay is still fine but youtube-dlp isn’t. strange
open source drivers were developed for apple’s gpus, so if there is demand seems like someone would do it for qualcomm
hey, just wanted to ask, how on earth do you maintain your rate of posting??
anduril (creepy military defense company from right wing tech bro) has made this, I’m sure its absurdly expensive though, and I don’t think they sell to random people.
because lots of (most?) trans people don’t want to be “trans”, they want to fit in with the gender they know they are, and being labeled as not a real man or woman in the normal sports leagues, but a trans man or woman in the trans league, is insulting.
pretty sure it can run on either, but cpus are slow compared to gpus, often to the point of being impractical
Have you seen that study about the accuracy of chatgpt responding to programming questions? (here) It’s wrong 52% of the time, and I can say that I have personally experienced trying to use chatgpt for programming and getting more confused rather than less. Maybe it is because I wasn’t using gpt4, or claude, or whatever new model is the best, but I’m just sharing my experience.
Also I support electric vehicles because without them lots of energy (and emissions) is generated for critical infrastructure (we can’t ditch cars yet), and so replacing that with renewably generated energy is a good idea.
LLMs consume lots of energy to train and use, but instead of literally moving millions of people around, they assist you in doing things you could have done without them, but with dubious accuracy. Look at the massive use of LLMs in by students to cheat in school, yes they may not get detected, but sometimes they have noticable flaws, that get them in large trouble for being too lazy to actually learn anything.
If you want to learn in depth knowledge about a topic, just go look it up and learn there, it’s more helpful than an LLM.
you’re getting downvoted because LLMs are simply not very good, they consume lots of energy (bad for climate), and seemingly most people involved in ai hype want to replace human creativity or something.
how about instead of training a not very trustworthy or useful LLM on lots of nyt, 4chan, and “dark web”, you go read lots of nyt, 4chan, and dark web to train your own (much better) model (your brain).
but then made another torrent that is fully seeded
I mean it might be more secure, it might be less secure, we just can’t read through the source for windows, so we won’t know until linux is attacked as much as windows. It would (will?) definitely be interesting to find out.
freecad is horrible, not really worth trying.
I’ve heard of people getting fusion 360 running great with a snap, but others say it has issues. the github for it is being actively maintained, so thats a good sign at least.
I tried to get siemens solid edge working through wine, but it was mostly broken and I didn’t dig too deep into troubleshooting, I just dualboot windows for fussy programs and anticheats
ok but the real interesting stuff like reading hand writing from a paralyzed person imagining writing it and etc are all only for actual electrodes in brains.
Your point makes sense, but an epoxy submersible definitely wouldn’t make it down to the titanic intact even once, and there are some ways fibers could be put in tension by compressing the cylinder, so the CF was doing something, its just complicated. They shouldve just built a normal submersible though.
i dunno, too many teenagers have pretty much no concerns about (online) privacy at all
reminds me of geowizards episodes geolocating vacation photos for fun. this one was insane, similar in detail to the photo in the tweet
you could buy some ip space and setup bgp to peer with hurricaine electric or a local exchange and then be an integral part of the internet, essentially being your own ISP.