One would think he would eventually cancel himself.
One would think he would eventually cancel himself.
The instance is in Germany from what I understand. Regardless, their justification was that shrooms are illegal in most places. That being their main point sets up the contradiction that I am referring to. It casts a bit of doubt on the intent and how to interpret rule 1.
The admins don’t have to abide by their rules, but we do.
They can do that! As a matter of fact, I support compliance with local regulations.
The problem is, they aren’t. They are picking and choosing laws to follow. Their instance is located in Germany, but yet, their marijuana legalization laws are only in draft: https://www.forbes.com/sites/dariosabaghi/2023/07/10/germany-unveils-draft-bill-to-legalize-cannabis/?sh=5ed53b322726
They are using the justification that “some things are illegal in some countries” as grounds for community suspension, yet, they are picking and choosing.
Shrooms are becoming decriminalized and even legalized across the US now. It’s a shame that the admins banned the community at all on lemmy.world. By their logic, they should also ban marijuana related communities. ItS sTiLl iLleGal!!!
Psilocybin is a very interesting and useful chemical and it is just stupid for it to be censored. What do those admins wish to accomplish? Shhhhhhh! Don’t talk about something that may help with mental disorders or even PTSD. Mushroom bad!
Of all the good things that lemmy.world admins do, this is ranks as one of the dumbest and short sighted.
I will probably start COShroomGrowers. It’s not illegal here and their argument becomes moot.
Old hardware is awesome to reuse most of the time but it’s not nearly as efficient as our hardware today.
It’s probably good to just properly recycle the old gear and spend $200 on a mini-PC from Amazon that has three times the power all while using less electricity.
I usually completely tear down old equipment into is raw materials, the best I can. It’s less likely to be shipped off to another country for uncontrolled destruction and I get more money back for the materials.
Byproducts of burning PET (soda bottle plastic): hydrochloric acid, sulfur dioxide, dioxins, furans and heavy metals
No, you can’t go all Dread Pirate Roberts and slowly build up an immunity to those over several years. Try as you might to impress that lady friend, it won’t work.
It literally hijacks my webcam, takes pictures of me nude and uses AI to put me in a room sharing crack pipes with lady-boy hookers.
Also, it will occasionally change all of my emails into haikus, but that is fairly benign.
Don’t they deny service and ignore complaints of legit customers anyway? That is super-shady, if true.
I feel the same.
If I ever get a Tesla, which I won’t, it would get hacked to shreds. I am not a fan of getting something sold to me that I already purchased.
Just tampering with DNS requests to block web sites is just the tip of the iceberg.
Intercepting DNS requests on port 53 at the ISP level is trivial, so you need to take a few more steps like using DNS over TLS or HTTPS. While still not foolproof, it’s better than raw-dogging all of your DNS queries.
Using a trusted VPN or Tor is also an option, but that is a pain IMHO.
What is this default DNS you are speaking of? I am curious about how you imagine DNS operating. I suppose you mean that people should switch DNS servers from those hosted by their local ISPs?
Bankman-Fried’s strategy for rehabilitating his reputation appeared built on discrediting and blaming Ellison.
He is not a very smart person, is he?
I have no problems publicly admitting that you are wrong.
Marketing can be done by anyone. :) All it takes is a little passion and excitement when telling someone else about something you enjoy.
Professional marketers can bring lots of skills to the table but nothing beats a good old fashioned testimonial.
Just give someone a hug. It works almost every time.
TBH, I would rather be a slutty nun than a slutty priest.
The Dread Pirate Roberts reference is from the movie Princess Bride.
Wesley spends years building up an immunity to a fictional substance called “iocaine powder”, the most deadly substance known to man. He tricks a foe into drinking wine laced with it, killing his foe while he survives.