The arm rest seamlessly and senselessly blends into the rest of the couch.
The arm rest seamlessly and senselessly blends into the rest of the couch.
How can he stop being something that he’s already not?
China is anti-mask and anti-vaccine? Do you lick lead paint for fun? From the same source as the OP article, this is what anti-vaccine propaganda looks like:
What proof do you have that the Falun Gong aren’t also lying about these supposed crimes against humanity?
Krebase doesn’t exist at all, too.
Long lasting and horrific repercussions as a result of unprovoked NATO aggression? It must be a day of the week that ends in y.
I was quite a fan of the Keys to the Kingdom series by Garth Nix when I was younger. The imagery is vivid, the characters are complex/capable, and the setting is an acid trip of wide-ranging allegory and symbolism.
The government paid him well for every coin of crypto he did not mine. The more crypto he did not mine, the more money the government gave him, and he spent every penny he didn’t earn on new GPUs to increase the amount of crypto he did not mine. Major Major’s father worked without rest at not mining crypto.
One IBM Model M that I got for free and I’m set for life.
Listen to just the first episode then.
Please take this as an opportunity to listen to season 3 of this very educational podcast:
Blowback | Podcast on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/2pibBnPuHqKr07hxEMZE41
The overwhelming majority of chickens are allocated exactly 1 sq foot (this qualifies as cage-free, btw) to spend their short, miserable lives.
You can stop at any time.
Shoving your arm up a cow’s vagina because you like the feeling: beastiality/illegal
Shoving your arm up a cow’s vagina to squirt some bull semen in so that you can feast on the eventual child because you like the taste: totally cool and legal
Someone help me make this make sense.
Natural interaction from a community with an active user base isn’t the same thing as brigading.
Why are you so quick to believe RFA propaganda?
Have some compassion, some people just want to crank their knob to exploitative porn without questioning why so much of it comes from Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, and Russia.
Our partners: USAID
Just shouting the quiet part from the rooftops. Absolutely beyond parody.
It seems the person in question didn’t report this income and therefore didn’t pay taxes on it.