2 years agoBy bank manager, do you mean like the manager of a specific location? Or do you mean higher up than that?
By bank manager, do you mean like the manager of a specific location? Or do you mean higher up than that?
One thing to keep in mind with something like Syncthing is where the physical location of the other machine(s) is. The nice thing about cloud storage is that your data is in an entirely different geographic region, so if there’s a hurricane, flood, fire, etc. your data is still safe. That being said, I use Google drive at the moment so I’ll also be keeping an eye on this post for alternatives.
Have you ever heard of a champagne mango? My wife and I had them when we toured a farm in Hawaii where their goal wasn’t actually to grow / sell fruit, but to replenish the nutrients in the soil that were wrecked by sugar cane plantations. Anyway, the guy pulls these mangoes straight off the tree and tells us they’re really fibrous so you can’t eat them like a regular mango, but you can mash it up in the skin then drink it like a juice box. He tossed me the one he was mashing up as a demo while explaining all this then told me to bite the top off and drink. As soon as my teeth broke the skin, juice started gushing out onto my shoes and the ground. The juice from that mango is easily like top 3 things I’ve ever eaten. Both the amount of flavor and the amount of juice that came from it were unbelievable.