Ente is as close as you can get to Google Photos with E2EE right now. I recently migrated there. The migration wasn’t painless and involved some scripting to handle albums and duplicates but the service itself is really good. Can recommend!
Ente is as close as you can get to Google Photos with E2EE right now. I recently migrated there. The migration wasn’t painless and involved some scripting to handle albums and duplicates but the service itself is really good. Can recommend!
I really hope this happens. NFC payments are the only thing that keeps me from switching to GrapheneOS. Seeing how the situation with big tech unfolds, it’s not impossible that I will decide to give up this convenience though.
I absolutely love the videos on this channel, this one being one of the best published yet. I’m literally blown away by the level of detail and clarity. I think I’m going to watch it more one time…
I’m so excited for Cosmic!
You are only starting to think that NOW?
Hey, I’ve been really careful with my words to NOT say that. I was just wondering and I acknowledge that it might be nonsense.
US has a huge influence on the entire world. Could it be that it started (or got amplified) in the US due to poor healthcare and then spread out to the rest of the world? I’m not trying to put all the blame on US of course, but it doesn’t sound that unreasonable that it could be partially responsible.
When I receive a notification I don’t need to switch away from my editor to check it, I just glance to the left and continue with my work or react if needed. Constantly switching windows in front of me would be so much more distracting for me.
Also, being able to read docs and google stuff on a vertical monitor on the right, while still seeing the code in front of me is incredibly convenient. Again, I can’t imagine switching away from my editor to the docs and to the code again.
I need to be able to effortlessly switch attention between code, tests, logs, docs, notifications. If I can’t do that by just shifting my sight in the right direction, my brain doesn’t function.
It’s so interesting how different people are!
Anything less than that will completely ruin my workflow. I’m even trying to come up with a feasible way to fit a fourth one.
I mean, it would probably make sense to make this optional to accommodate as many preferences as possible. I, for one, prefer to get the human readable message right away instead of having to use another tool for it.
Well, I don’t mind being called stupid if it makes my debugging easier. For many people visual/ graphical representation is much easier to comprehend than a block of text.
E2E is their flagship feature and pretty much only selling point. I’m really not surprised they don’t allow to just disable it.
Huge thanks to Vaxry and all contributors, Hyprland is great!
I didn’t expect this to be something I would actually use but I was mildly excited to try it out just out of curiosity. Then it asked me to log in. Login to a fucking terminal emulator. I have no words.
I’m very excited for COSMIC!
I was sure I’m getting baited when I clicked the link but it’s one of the rare cases when it actually turned out not to be a clickbait.
This feature literally found and isolated “important files” and now they are deleting those files. Just because it was never available in the US doesn’t mean it’s irrelevant.
Yeah, so basically Google invented a feature that finds your important files and deletes them. The future is here!
Of course I’m exaggerating for humoristic effect but in all seriousness I think the whole action is extremely poorly executed. I would be surprised if there weren’t some cases of people actually losing something important because of this.
Wait, so Google just moved around important users’ files on their devices without being asked to do so. And now they decided to just delete those files together with the feature? This sounds pretty crazy, even for Google.
Recently I like to play some Twitch streams in the background when I’m not doing anything requiring a lot of focus. It makes me feel like I’m not really alone at home without any social effort on my side. You definitely have to find a right streamer for you though - most of Twitch is garbage in my opinion.
Someone mentioned going out to eat or sit at some cafe which I also like to do sometimes.
Software development and computer stuff in general is my passion. I enjoy doing it as a hobby even after doing it at work. If I didn’t have to work for money, I would probably work on some open source software. In fact that’s kinda my dream / goal - achieve financial independence and work on open source as I please.