I run the midwest.social instance as well as the undernopretext.social mastodon instance

  • 196 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2021


  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PT8OU8Yhs_s

    Linked above is the movie they sat me down and had me watch with them. Aaron Gunn is the guy who made it. Doing some light research he’s been accused of transphobic, sexist rhetoric and complaining that BC liberals don’t support free speech which any leftist can tell you is just a dog whistle for bigotry going unpunished.

    I’m not 100% sold on some harm reduction they supposedly do in BC. Like, if you’re going to give away government produced drugs you should make it impossible for people to just hoard it and then sell it on the street, but overall the message I got out of the documentary was that drug addiction should be stigmatized and punished, which I don’t agree with.