I bought Home Assistant Blue from Ameridroid, which was Home Assistant’s first (and happily still continuing) jump into making Home Assistant more accessible and easy if you weren’t a hobbyist or tinkerer: Odroid N2+ preloaded with Home Assistant OS, a super adorable blue case, and power supply. That was my first experience with that board and with eMMC; 128 GB of it, talk about turning my head (also 4 GB RAM). Honestly, the only reason I didn’t get another is I didn’t have a project that required it; the reason I even found out the Beagles existed was the Open Source Border Router project I wanted to do had it as an option for the walk-through and gave me a reason to test drive.
But I have to agree: I’ve been running it straight for three years now and the Odroid does its job with zero issues. Home Assistant and its parts have given me problems, but Blue (yes, it’s name is Blue, it was just there) never does.
Hand it over to the Southern Poverty Law Center.