Also also, don’t twist yourself into knots or stress out too much. Being an informed shopper can take a little bit more effort when starting out.
Also also, don’t twist yourself into knots or stress out too much. Being an informed shopper can take a little bit more effort when starting out.
I feel like co-ordinating on these things would be better. BC, ON and QC all have steel and aluminium industries to defend, and all three provinces export a decent chunk of electricity to nearby US states.
A co-ordinated surcharge on electricity would be a powerful response to the inpatient at the white house.
It’s practically impossible for the US to build up an aluminum industry that can compete with Quebec. Especially not within a presidential term.
Quebec could export tariff to the moon, and there wouldn’t be anything Camacho could do about it other than shit himself into a coma, hopefully.
Yeah. I had the same thought. Is this the same $30b that we already implemented as a response to his previous tantrum or a new $30b for a new tantrum? And what about that $120b we were keeping in our back pocket? Are we keeping that around for the future tantrum, or is this a chunk out of that?
This guy looks like the offspring of Noddy and a glazed ham.
Oh, you’ll both need to be on the application, regardless. Unless you’re OK with a Zoom marriage.
You might need to offer bribes.
I mean, that’s like 20/25% of Canada’s total exports to Mordor. I assume we’ll see the same climb down on most other natural resources, with the exception of lumber, for a total of about 40/50% of all exports.
All against the backdrop of the endless whining, "we don’t need Canada for anything.’
“We’re going to whine so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of whining.”
Yes, which is impossible to fail.
As I said in a previous comment, it’s a pretty drawn-out process requiring financial stability, credit, health and background checks, proof of employment and education history, etc.
It’s not difficult, just time-consuming, and I’d be very surprised if you and your wife didn’t meet the minimum points threshold.
Oh, you’d get PR easy through express entry. The application is all online and pretty straightforward if a little time-consuming.
When I image him crying on the toilet while he fat fingers out these tweets, I ask myself, ‘Does this spark joy?’
I feel like the assent from that parcel of rogues can be implied at this point.
Tarrifs are definitionally protectionist, but i take your point about intention.
The whole strategy is a recipe for disaster. A recipe that contains no eggs, obviously, and is served in the form of a paste.
I suppose he doesn’t realise the huge energy input required, and which the US lacks, to produce aluminium.
They’re not coming back, you doofus. It’s not just a case of relocating manufacturing, you also would need to massively expand US baseload, and that is not happening. I mean, you cough in the direction of Texas and their entire grid collapses.
They seem that way because they are.
FLQ2: Quebecois Beugéleau
I see your point, but I feel like spreading the risk a little would’ve been the more secure trade policy. 70% reliance on one country seems borderline obscene. Of course, hindsight is 20/20 so there’s not really any point in me complaining about what should have been. All we can do now is work to correct the mistake.
Is it time for an expanded digital services tax? Why not tax foreign social media like we tax sugar, alcohol, nicotine, and fast food? The imposition of minimum pricing rules per account or per post would be a huge disincentive. Maybe regulate them like traditional media. Ban foreign ownership?
Edit: spelling
That link won’t open for me. Huh. I’m using Boost, if that works as an excuse?