this whole gambit was actually a 4d chess move by elon to brainwash righties into buying EVs therefore solving climate change and bringing about global communism. I never should have doubted you, sir
this whole gambit was actually a 4d chess move by elon to brainwash righties into buying EVs therefore solving climate change and bringing about global communism. I never should have doubted you, sir
Well if it’s really absolute then you could legally point a knife at someone and say “give me your money” . You haven’t caused physical harm at that point and you’re only exercising your freedom of speech.
You could say OK, that’s not allowed because you’re mugging somebody and that’s a threat of violence. But in that case you’ve carved out an exception for threats of violence and therefore calling for violence against a person or group also becomes not allowed.
What about exceptions for fraud? What about for verbal abuse or harrassment?
And if you’re going to have exceptions, then how do you deal with obfuscated language and insinuation? “Would be a real shame if something bad were to happen to your family” - is that allowed? A nice friendly, supportive comment like that? If you can’t say that you can’t say anything.
Or that’s usually how it goes with people defending hate speech or veiled threats of racial violence.
Man, Zuck the cuck Fuckerberg is really virtue signalling saying something like that damn
Well it didn’t happen in every case. In the UK socialists became a big faction within the post war labour party and created the NHS. Almost every other country in Europe has a similar story with the creation of their own healthcare systems. Russia and China have never been democracies at any point in their history so maybe that has more to do with it than socialist and communist ideas.
My bad, it was Turkey, not Hungary.
The really funny thing here is that Elon’s Twitter has openly complied with censorship orders from Hungary already. The free speech stuff is fake. Twitter does overt political censorship on request.
It’s honestly a travesty what’s happened to Reddit. If I want to search for a forum topic or something where random people give their honest opinions, Reddit was about the only place left on the internet and now that’s gone too.
Yeah and Hitler injected human shit into himself, so what? Where does this sense of confidence come from? He said he’d kill people and now he’s legally allowed to do it.
True! There needs to be logic, rhetoric and media training taught in schools, and media orgs should be removed from the control of wealthy individuals.
They both suck and Waymo’s has a whole ass sensor thingie on the roof. So it’s insane that Tesla’s is even legal given that they rely entirely on cameras and fate.
nice job elon
Russia has computers???
Worthless company. Hope they go bankrupt.
I thought all the monkeys that got neuralinked died of gangreen to the brain
A lot of people have left-leaning economic views ( tax the rich ) but there’s basically no political or media representation of those views. ( because the rich run the media and government )
I think the question is backwards. I think Republicans market themselves as being the ‘christian’ party because they rely heavily on religious and emotional arguments to support their positions ( because they’re wrong )
Used to dismiss it out of hand because all the ‘socialist countries’ are complete authoritarian hellholes. But in hindsight this is a kind of thought-terminating cliche. I never really knew what the idea was apart from some vague notion about sharing or something that’s well intentioned but never works out in practice. I think most people share this belief.
Turns out the idea is pretty simple: Worker ownership and control. Places like the USSR and China fail this definition because they don’t have any of that. Therefore they are not socialist. Those countries replicate the worker/owner dynamic of Capitalism, so it is ‘State Capitalism’. And they both have the same problem: A small group of people have all the power and they fuck over everyone else.
I had to get sold on the specific idea of ‘market socialism’ / ’ workplace democracy ’ before I learned and realised this. The general idea is that if you can run a country like a democracy, you can run a business like one too. In fact, many are. So lets do that as much as possible in order to wrestle power away from the owner class who spend all of their money bribing politicians and ruining everything.
The Kurzgesagt climate videos explicitly encourage political action to combat climate change. I think they even encourage it as the most important thing an individual can do. They don’t push ‘let capitalism solve everything’ , they push ‘vote in green candidates + regulation’.
I saw one of those videos taking them down for receiving Bill Gates money and frankly I think it’s a pretty empty hitpiece.
Don’t get me wrong, the Gate’s foundation does push this ‘never question the market’ ideology, and any organisation that relies on their funding deserves to be scrutinized to hell and back. But Kurzgesagt does not push this ideology.
’ The problem with Kurzgesagt’ never found any factual issues with their content, AND the broad message of their videos is ’ lobby the government for regulation + here’s the technology’ . If Gate’s Foundation money has caused them to compromise their values, it’s not done a good job of it.
Funding is not the same as editorial control, and the amount recieved from the gates foundation is not even a large portion of their income, so it’s not like they have much leverage.
Gate’s Foundation and similar spend money literally everywhere, so I worry about people writing good orgs off so quickly.
Really? I think he still makes some really solid content
Nah I’m sure that carmakers being forced to do this only factored in a little bit.