No worries, although the color of them is now considerably blown out and patchy due to the compression, and they’re still relatively large. It’s the high pixel size that’s really affecting things. If you took the originals and resized them to 1168px width (the display width on that page) at about 75% quality (still JPEG) you’d probably end up with much better quality than you have now, and at lower file sizes. Squoosh is pretty good for playing around and comparing results.
Sounds like OP wants an LLM-based solution, which is not something built into BookStack by default.
Danswer might be an option here. It has a confluence connector (and I also wrote a BookStack connector for it). If have a video of me using it (with BookStack) here at about 7:55. When I used it last it only worked with OpenAI but I think it supports local models now.