Just a 'lil guy on the web. Also on Mastodon @sundray@mastodon.social and Pixey
“This way it doesn’t matter if it’s Betty or Veronica!”
Not totally related, but even though it’s tempting to kick those cube-shaped HP MicroServers across the datacenter, they’re actually a lot more dense than they look.
This is what it sounds like when doves cry.
Someone already wrote that article: Biden vows ‘peaceful and orderly transition;’ says election system ‘fair’ and ‘transparent’.
i think a significant chunk of those 75 million think they are voting for lesser evil
Oh no. I can assure you they were very deliberately voting for the largest evil they could find.
Yup. 🤦
Well, if anything it proves that Unions work. Unions of billionaire media moguls especially. Many (soft, wealthy) hands coming together, to push in collectively towards a common goal of eliminating the National Labor Relations Board, the EPA, the SEC, and the IRS… it’s kind of beautiful, in its way. (/s)
And now the Democrats will remain powerless forever. I guess single issue voters can take solace in that little victory. Sadly, they will probably not be replaced by a more progressive party rising up from their ashes, but rather by an emergent faction formed via Republican in-fighting. They will still be conservative, but they’ll wear different colored ties.
Well of course the election was still valid. Brainwashed Fox News/X misinformation junkies’ votes count just as much as a good person’s does. More actually, thanks to the high concentration of fools in low-population states and with too many electoral votes. My issue is that a massive propaganda machine is permitted to exist, such that +75 million walking dildos are now convinced that Biden created greedflation and gave all their tax money to dog-eating immigrants, and Fauci should be executed for treason because he forced children to get vaxxed(?).
Dismantling that machine should be job #1 – it should have been since Al Franken wrote Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot. But I guess it’s fucking impossible to shut off the machine that keeps stamping out Republican and IINO voters. And with at least a hundred years of MAGA rule ahead of us, I suppose it always will be.
This is true, and those voters main concern in presidential elections is the economy. According to NBC’s exit polling:
Nearly half — 45% — of all voters said they were worse off financially than they were four years ago. That was a higher level of dissatisfaction than what registered in exit polls in any recent election going back to 2008, when the election took place amid the financial crisis that propelled Barack Obama to victory.
Though the economy is growing […] 2 in 3 voters rated the U.S. economy poorly, a level higher than in 2020, when the country struggled to get in gear during the Covid pandemic.
[…] About three-quarters of voters nationwide said they felt negatively about the way things are going in the country, including 29% who said they were downright angry.
Meanwhile only 4% of voters cited foreign policy (which covers the Gaza genocide and Ukraine’s defense – immigration was broken out into a separate category) as their main concern. Even if Harris flipped the big red “stop the genocide” button and brought those single issue voters out of hiding, there’s no way they could outnumber the voters who were pissed about the economy.
Frankly, if she was going to have a real chance, she needed to throw Biden under the bus – and it still might not have made a difference.
Look, the Democrats are not good at running campaigns, but I will never let that obscure the fact that OVER 75 MILLION Americans were ready, willing, and able to vote for a proven rapist, convicted criminal, openly racist, riot-starting adult crybaby. Not grudgingly – they went to the polls with a song in their hearts and blood in their eyes! The fucking Democrats didn’t cause that – 12 years of Fox News telling people that DJT was God, and four years of blaming COVID and inflation on desperate economic migrants did that.
Even IF the Democrats have enough of a base to overwhelm those +75m hateboner-stroking bigots, well they knew what’s at stake and STILL stayed home. (No doubt smirking at how cleverly they avoided any moral contagion via the brilliant gambit of continuing to pay taxes but not casting a vote 🙄 .) Regardless of all that, I don’t blame them for Trump’s win either, because there shouldn’t have been +75 million Trump-lovers to overwhelm in the first fucking place.
The majority has chosen hate. WE are the obstacles.
That’s right. We’re surrounded by +70 million bigots who would rather elect a rapist than a woman.
Maybe. But not for a long time. Probably not in our lifetimes.
It’s okay, everybody gets the day off when the antichrist wins.
Okay fine, no surrender. They’re going to murder us regardless anyway. Might as well die with our teeth in their boots.
On the contrary: I paint all Americans with the same broad brush.
If she can manage that. Americans chose Trump, and if I were France, I’d be doing everything possible to remove them from my country.
“It’s for your own good, Mickey! Hy-yuk!”