Just a 'lil guy on the web. Also on Mastodon: @sundray@mastodon.social and Pixey
I’m from the Kelvin timeline – all I’ve got for you is REALLY BIG ENTERPRISE, would that help?
Who thought giving building blocks AI was a good idea?
Look out, here they come!
Can’t bullshit a bullshitter.
Riker, no!
Maybe that’s why the holodeck kept trying to kill everyone!
“You know how to post to Mastodon, don’t you Jean Luc? You just put your lips together and…”
Couldn’t resist:
They really do seem to be trapped in purgatory. I’d feel sorry for them if they weren’t so insufferable. It’s the perfect balance for a sitcom!
I always suspected that the Enterprise would have a killer stereo. It’s so loud you can hear it in space!
No time travel? Uh, don’t tell that to Gary.
Humanity’s on the right track, I’d say.
“Boy, if this hospital had a ramp I could leave in a wheelchair – you wouldn’t have to carry me.”
“I know. I’ve been paying them to not install one.”
Honestly, I’m too tired for bij tonight.