This seems like an insane idea, cosmic radiation causes so many measurable impacts even on earth with things like bit flips, this would be a huge issue in space with no magnetic field and atmosphere. I would think this would focus on low density slower speed chips, and likely avoid anything with flash storage.
The minivan is the peak vehicle. You can fold down or take out the back seats and fit a 4x8 panel no problem. You can travel, haul, and store till your heart is content in it. It is a car chassis so it is low to the ground but with a tall cabin so you are nice and upright. No one even looks if you sped because you have like an invisibility filter against attention. Not only that, the only knock is that it isn’t cool…which makes no sense, if getting a sports car is “compensating” then having a minivan proudly means you have nothing needing to compensate for. It is the sigma of vehicles. (2013 town and country owner)