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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023

  • Quake 1, quake 3 promode CPMA, Warsow, TeeWorlds, ET…

    seriously, any fast paced shooter. There used to be so many great games that benefited from low pings. That <10ms expierience is amazing, especially when everyone has it. Lag compensation was not really a thing (and to be honest nowadays it is everywhere and seriously sucks). You could easily tell which players were playing locally and which connected from the internet by just looking at the score - it gave a serious advantage. Nowadays everything is on it’s head with “peakers advantage”.

    It used to be THE WAY of playing those games 20 years ago and it was a norm to have 100-200 FPS and a ping of 2-5ms. You just turned of almost anything graphically to get the FPS (I usually left *some* remainings of textures as it became confusing otherwise) and you self hosted a game server so that all your friends can play with low pings.

    You usually set up a TeamSpeak server along for chat and voice, most likely something like Mumble nowadays, instead.