Like some sort of Christian Infinity Stones made of holy baby dick skin?
Just a bridgeman doing his thing.
Like some sort of Christian Infinity Stones made of holy baby dick skin?
Even though she says she’s been murdered it’s really just a reboot and update.
As for the marbleization it’s reversible. In season 4 Bad Janet marbleized our good Janet. Later after being transported to The Bad Place, Bad Janet un-marbleized Janet.
Janet isn’t “alive” (She is an anthropomorphized vessel of knowledge) so I don’t think she can die in the real sense, even when she is murdered and updates. She can be marble-ized but that’s not really the same thing since it’s reversible. It’s more like a low power mode for her.
Then there is the elusive double Riker into a Picard. That’s doing the Riker lean onto a captain’s saddle while yelling “Riker”.
Iggy Pop played the best Vorta in the galaxy:
The sad part is I went and looked him up on wikipedia and still typed Turkey. lol
For me it’s that the current king of Turkey Jordan, Abdullah II was an uncredited extra in Voyager.
The Doctor once said he goes to a void when he is deactivated. My head canon is that he goes to the same void as Janet from The Good Place and they hang out. Or maybe it’s Derek’s void he ends up in.
Edit: DEREK!
Make them badge in or get security to help them even if you know them.
This is good advice. You never know who might be a changeling infiltrator.
Here’s a treat for you:
Star Trek Enterprise is both, because Berman.
The fucking decontamination scenes were the worst offenders in Enterprise. But Lower Decks making fun of it was pretty good.
If i get stuck in a tholian web i will go mirror phlox on those crystalline bastards.
Man, Clancy Brown really let his teeth go.
Sounds like it’s time for people to learn regex.
Huesped is like that, too.
It means both host and guest.
I’d be ok with Gary killing off my character.
I wouldn’t be ok with dying to that idiot Armus.