• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Mine is not a Tesla, and its range is exaggerated… Or at least its range has a hidden asterisk that would read “under ideal conditions with a gentle driving style.” It self-adjusts based on my recent driving history, and I mostly don’t let the battery get low enough that I have to care about how precise it is… But it definitely skews heavily optimistic, especially when I first bought the car. It’s roughly the same in that regard as a Tesla is, according to the Tesla drivers I know.

  • Yeah, I share your feeling that it feels thought-policey and troubling. But my guard is just a little bit up in the other direction too, maybe because I saw this right after this thread, where a guy was in an online argument with a woman and essentially threatened her family by driving to another city, finding her dad in the hospital, and taking a selfie next to him… Then he posted it in a public comment thread where she would see it.

    With that information, it’s clear that he’s the bad guy… But I can see how if we just heard his side, with all of the condemning details omitted, it could be super easy to get baited into reacting like “Wtf, you can’t even take a selfie in this country anymore?”

    His defense was “I was merely trying to win an online argument,” which thankfully, the judge thought was nonsense. I don’t think it was dystopian for the cops to show up at his house and say “You’ve done some harmful things online, and here are some consequences.” (I actually don’t know if cops showed up or he just got a court date or what, but you know what I mean)

    So there are many ways that this story isn’t equivalent to that story, but I was already primed to be like… “Oh okay well what were the posts?” The window of potential reactions is pretty wide based on the answer to that.

  • Yeah, it sounded like the detectives(…?) were going to lay out some of the details of the complaint, but she get-the-fuck-out’d them before they got there.

    It matters quite a lot IMO what she was doing. Are we talking about dozens of harrassing/threatening DMs on multiple platforms? Or are we talking about heated comments on public posts? She said “I never threatened anyone,” etc. but that’s what they all say. I’m not suggesting she’s lying, there’s just no signal.

    I hope we get to see the posts in question at some point.