Art is anal
Art is anal
I’ve told you once.
Huge Ackman
I did say it would be the highlight…
Breakfast for lunch or dinner is awesome.
I always use half bacon grease half butter.
After the leopards are done eating their faces.
I was making a silly joke on Reddit…
Nabisco Ideal bars
Our chief weapon is surprise.
“How long can I just stand here… ?”
/c/dull_mens_club is ready
Is this a Doctor Who reference?
Sure. I said most living things. Not all.
People are strange.
I feel saturated…by it.
Go invade yourself.
His speech about humans being the only life that simply expands until all resources are used up is not at all true. Most living things do this until or unless they have some kind of predator or competitor to keep them in check.
Yes, it’s a Lodge 8.5 inch.