My view (sorry for the British context and no cool name for it):
Have a King as head of state mainly in a similar role to now in the UK to be someone who can fire any ministers if needed.
No political parties. Simply have the public vote for a choice of 5 candidates for each cabinet minister post on 5 year terms.
These candidates must have at least 20 years experience of the field they wish to be minister of. For example, the choices for Health Minister would be between 5 people, who all have extensive experience in the field. So would hopefully understand what can and needs to be done. Rather than our current system of having a PPE graduate who has only ever worked in politics in charge of things they do not understand.
I also feel that removing political parties from the process would reduce some of the group-think that currently happens, as the public would be voting on the best policies for health, then for education etc. I think that would be an improvement over currently only having one vote and having to choose a party that ticks some but not all of your policy preferences.
Going for a walk in the country and a few drinks to relax