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No shit. The world’s fascism problem never ended. Do you have any articles discussing fascism in Russia? Or America? Or the EU?
How do you feel about Volodymyr Zelenskyy? Is he an anti-Semite fascist too?
I’d love to hear your opinion on Putin.
Again, most of the people using this statement are using it in solidarity with Ukranian independence and are unaware of its origins.
Your comic is too simple to explain the complexity of this issue.
This was a strawman argument anyway.
Interesting history lesson.
Is the implication that Spitzspot is a fascist / communist and anti-Semite because they said Slava Ukrani?
They well may be, but that’s a big call based on the use of a phrase which has seen a rapid evolution in it’s usage in the last few years.
Are all Hindi and buddists and Jainists who continue to use the swastika as a part of their religious symbolism anti-Semite fascists as well?
Is Kim Jong Un a proponent of individual rights and liberties because he leads the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea?
I’m guessing there’s a few Americanism’s that’d have the same complex history.
Slava Ukrani may have it’s origins in fascism, but right now across the english speaking world it is seen as a Clarion call championing the freedom of a democratic Ukraine against the current fascist Russian regime.
Words have more than one meaning, and those meanings evolve.
Piratescommenters constantly trying to “morally” justify theiractionopinion is by far the worst part of allpirateforums.Its embarrassing how many
piratescommenters need the validation of strangers on the internet.Isn’t there a philosophy forum that these people could spam instead?