Interesting, for me the apps required to have a valid tls cert.
Interesting, for me the apps required to have a valid tls cert.
I really like the idea, Im currently struggling with the implementation. There are so many issues to cover:
There are so many loopholes which corps will use to get out of it :-(
Just a heads up about switzerland:
Since most budgeting tools I found didn’t satisfy my need (no cloud, automatic categorization of transactions etc.) I tried to create my own tool to categorize my transactions using camt.053 and csv files which I downloaded from my banks. Got bugged down with the presentation via bokeh, so it was pretty crude.
I recently found beancount in combination with fava, which solved most of my problems I had with my own tool. And the good thing: I was able to re-use most of my ‘auto-categorization’ code with only small changes. Not sure how universal my importer is, but with a bit of python know-how it should be quite easy to create an importer for your specific bank export.
From my experience, the csvs I got from my bank was insufficient for automatic mapping, which is why I’m using camt.053 where possible. As the camt.053 is not very common in many countries you could go for OFX files.
PlantUML-Server: Github / Docker Hub I do use some plantuml graphics in my Obsidian notes to document my network setup. And it’s really nice to have a self hosted renderer where all my devices can access it.
UnifiBrowser Github / Docker Docker Image to access the Unifi API, helped a lot to debug the integration of Unifi data into other tools (e.g. Munin)
Wanderer Github - Platform to save and upload gps tracks. I do misuse it as a platform for my motorbike tour ‘library’ for easy choice which tour I want to do
The app is intentional, with browsers they can’t control which extensions you run, and therefore can’t force their ads on you. With the app they can control the environment and you are legally not allowed to modify their app because trademark…
Looks really nice definitely gonna take a look at it.
And, did I read that correctly: the pro licence is a onetime payment and you keep the all the current features even after the licence expires?
For me it gets a bit confused if I add or remove the external screens.
Usually it is fixed if I quit and restart flameshot
For me it depends how “hardened” the account needs to be.
For key accounts I keep the 2fa seperated (where possible with a fido token) For not so relevant accounts I add it to bitwarden. Because I probably wouldnt activate 2fa for these accounts if I’d have to pull out the phone each time
Edit: you also can add the 2fa token to a separate vault
Hey, hey…pssst you forgot to update the template to the your current crypto!
Also, it might be annonymized for this dataset, by adding more ‘annonymized’ datasets stuff can be correlated
I likebthat, but I think this misses the part where a company pulls it from all markets, which should be states specificly.
If you don’t offer it anymore, you are not allowed to keep the copyright or patent.
If I have to choose between a company that freely sells and uses all my data versus a company that e2e encrypts my data and only complies with police and intelligence agency if it is specifically mandated by a swiss judge (and are fighing against it[1]), my money is definitely on the later
Is it perfect? Probably not. - Does it match my thread model? Definitely yes!
Also their privacy policy [2] allows to make a pretty well informed decision and map it against your thread model
And by the way, here’s the statement of the ceo regading the activist:
[1] [2]
Did some really basic testing with a few images I had at hand:
might be an issue with the sizes of the files, how large are your photos?
You can export files as PSD and tiff with affinity, so it should work with clients
having the same issue, could you give some infos what you changed in the network settings?
edit: hadn’t updated the ORIGIN env correctly (only updated the port): classic case of RTFM
Password (singular) vs passwords (plural).
I usually use OsmAND for my motorbike tours where I love the adaptable UI. But importing round trips is a big hit or miss, where most of the time it just skips all intermediary stops
And for daily “driving” (hehe) I do miss some traffic info :-(
Those where more, how should I put it, ‘visual’ and ‘tangible’ threads. Now it’s watch out or someone is aggregating all your infornation about you and will use it for some neferarious things…
Which I find is a much wider issue, but is also much more dificult to warn and protect.
But, but the corporations are telling us that they loose so much money from all those people who are pirating and therefore not ‘buying’ their stuff.
I mean the numbers they showed where huge! Hmm, maybe they forgot to carry the one or swapped some +/- diring their calculations.