As long as they only allow left leaning propaganda then its okay.
As long as they only allow left leaning propaganda then its okay.
Firefox of course.
I’d also suggest their VPN, as its a cheaper mullvad.
Who will develop the underlying browser then?
Can’t have the people using unsanctioned software.
What do you use NFS for, isn’t NFS relatively obsolete by now?
Assume I know not much about file shares.
I see, so we need to stop them from imposing censorship. How are they going to do it though?
Is this a “we need to censor them because they don’t believe in free speech” kind of a thing?
Nobody has ever died from nuclear waste.
Nuclear waste itself is a misnomer, there is no waste it’s just uneconomical to use at a certain point, it still has a ton of energy potential.
If people stopped being hysterical about a technology they don’t understand we could probably develop it.
It could also be seen as rising standards of living, and aristocrats were optimizing their advantage before the standards rose for everyone due to cheap energy availability.
Saying people consume meat to mimic the rich is a little silly.
Like a PRISM for China, is every powerful country just backdooring each other?
First world countries will be scrambling to replace their high tech industries as China eats their lunch.
Read project 2025, it views India as the most aggregious.
Which has the highest tariffs.
I remember the CEO shaming Apple for providing unbreakable encryption, hard to believe anyone would trust them with a stance like that.
China can buy our housing to rent it back to us, but we can’t buy their EV because other companies won’t make as much profit. Great trickle down.
Reddit used to be good, now its just another app nag whore.
We need to go back to farming turnips using our hands. This first world rate race is crazy.
I can’t use my Browser without it being created by a tech giant, cant use my new computer without having my software uefi signed by Microsoft, AI will soon need me to have my GPU licensed and registered.
The world is heading to crap.
I dont know how you can stand using iOS. Its just so unintuitive, theres no back button and I can’t even figure out copy/paste.