Thats exactly the proposition. Eliminate tifking quartz watches in favor of non-ticking quartz watches.
Say goodbye to the quartz watches that do tick replace them with ones that do not tick
Thats exactly the proposition. Eliminate tifking quartz watches in favor of non-ticking quartz watches.
Say goodbye to the quartz watches that do tick replace them with ones that do not tick
French innovator aims to consign ticking quartz watches to history
The ‘ticking’ is what is being consigned to history. The article is about an alternative to ‘ticking quartz watches’, a non-ticking quartz watch
Its the ‘ticking’ part of ticking quartz
I literally cannot believe we are arguing about this bullshit when Ohio exists
The one wheel works by having the rider lean in a direction to go that way. The more you lean, the faster it goes. It balances by pushing the rider in that direction. The trick is when you are leaning and going very fast, but then the board loses power and can’t push you anymore. Then the board nose dives and ejects you. Its the physics of the board, so they can warn you it might happen, but not prevent it.
Fuck, if I was doing ecommerce on salesforce commerce cloud, I would hate programing too. The plus side is that you have something on the resume now. That makes a huge difference in your job prospects now. Its not the hottest market, but you do have a way to pay the bills so you can take some time. Just start applying again, is my advice
just like you council people out when they underperform for your org, council people out when they can no longer grow or advance. Those people will also be unhappy over time, and create drag on your whole org. Make opportunites to grow, to grow elswhere in the company, and finally at other companies
Yeah, this. I lean heavily into coaching, which is specifically helping them apply skills they already have to a problem.
I also draw clear lines between what I can help with and what I need to do for the company, and try my best to display when I am fighting for them and when I cannot. Building trust is a key part of the relationship, and having suspicion that you are two faced kills it dead.
With this and the other things mentioned, I too have only had peopae quit because of money, and in one instance he came to me to ask if he should do so (we talked it out without me giving any advice, just comparing opportunities)
Automation and process improvenent are key skills. The less time spent staying alive, the more time living
As a software engineer, skills I think I could contribute are systems design, debuging, writing software, and also trash pickup on the back af the truck. I’d be happy to help build software tools that help people actually enjoy life, and also I eon’t mind pitching in to my community.
Oh thanks. This is exactly what I was looking for.
99% invisible just did an episode on skyscraper conversion. Its farily complicated.
I mean, to be open, I don’t actually see many consequences, so I don’t really do any particular things to protect privacy from like, google. I was sort of hoping someone here would give me one.
Show them the consequeces. You might scare a few people who are already anxious by showing data collected, but most people will be apathetic. Illustrate why its bad. Be systemic about it.
The stunt outlined elsewhere of texting someone with their info is good, but “we all know google isn’t going to threaten us” is the prevailing attitude. Demonstrate what google is going to do and how it hurts people individualy and directly. Until there are personal consequences, peopae won’t really care.
I was watching a video from dr berkely and he said its the only disorder that hits all factors of executive function.
Then he said adhd people can’t do digitspan backwards so e went to try it and I was like 😦
I’ve used privacy for a while now. I became devoted when a card I used at an independant business started being used to pay phone bills in new jersey; privacy auto blocked it. Since then, i’ve used it to kill subscriptions I don’t want by changing to a privacy card and setting the limit to zero. Its good stuff.
Also cars. Thats another reason my cat is indoors only
Yeah, but its not as good a soundbite. Rats are #3 and they spread by humans too
Domestic cats are the second largest source of exinction globaly, after human action
Yes, it is still a quartz watch. The oscillator is still a quartz oscillator. However the mechanism which advances the second hand is replaced with onethat does not need to tick.
The kind of quartz watch is no longer a ticking quartz watch, it is a non-ticking quartz watch.
As for the specific wording of the article, I would assume the authoris not fully versed in partsof quartz watches, and does not know that the oscillator which keeps time is different from the stepping motor which moves the hands.
This invention targets only replacing the stepping motor, not the oscillator.