I’ve beaten the game about 6 times now and while I’ve certainly encountered minor glitches that made me laugh, I’ve never had issues that were game breaking at all. And the fire giant included.
I’ve beaten the game about 6 times now and while I’ve certainly encountered minor glitches that made me laugh, I’ve never had issues that were game breaking at all. And the fire giant included.
I always hear stuff like this but in hundreds of hours of play on both PlayStation 5 and PC. I’ve never experienced any serious bugs. It’s so interesting to me that experiences can vary so much between people.
I only do that when the problem space is interesting.
Most developers are just implementing CRUD using a framework that does most of the work. There isn’t the interest motivation to keep on trying to fix things.
I’m going to be honest. I’d be really annoyed if somebody kept asking me for a ride because they don’t want to be a driver. I also hate driving but it’s necessary where I live for most cases.
Hopefully you’re taking the inconvenience to others into account when asking for a ride to places.
I disagree. Newer vehicles have more parts for a variety of beneficial reasons.
It’s not reliability the mechanic is picking older cars for. It’s the ability to work on it themselves.
Most people would be paying more to have somebody work on an older car over and over again because the parts aren’t made anymore.
Some things we would want to install aren’t in the official repos. Downloading the deb file is a solution to that for newer users.
By this description, year zero is the time between the 0 and the 1 for the same reason the time between 10 and 11 is the year 10.
It’s not attitude they are giving you. It’s strong recommendation. It’s the strong recommendation of the entire Linux community.
Sudo is different than run as admin and is not intended to be used to do things the way Windows does them.
Windows reports using binary and continues to use the Greek terms. Windows is still the holder of largest market share for PC operating systems.
This is such a weird take to me. We don’t even colloquially discuss computer storage in terms of 1000.
The Greek terms were used from the beginning of computing and the new terms of kibi and mebi (etc.) were only added in 1998 when Members it the IEC got upset. But despite that, most personal computers still report in the binary way. The decimal is only used on boxes for marketing terms.
That indicates that you might buy it if it’s good. The person I replied to implied they would never have purchased it at all.
If you were never going to buy it, why pirate it?
Most products have always had bugs in them, though.
Don’t worry. They’ll change it again next week.
When was that? I’m nearly 40 and don’t recall that ever being true.
I don’t know that I agree with this for anything but GPUs. There are plenty of distros that are stable and don’t require constant fiddling.
I’m genuinely not sure what you’re hoping to accomplish with that argument.
The fact checkers call them on that stuff, yes. The reliability ratings are based partially on how the editors react when they get it wrong and the NYT pretty famously apologizes and publishes updates when it happens.
I think fact checkers are more reliable that the intercept article you posted, myself.
The Riftwar Cycle might fit. The magic system starts off with the users having a hard understanding of how magic works only to learn how soft and pliable it really is.
That said, this series is like 30+ books and is put it at half of them being really good and half being a grind while nearly all of them are dated in fantasy style.