One has a total powered-on time of 51534 hours, and the other 49499 hours.
As for their actual age (manufacturing date), the only way to know is to look at the sticker on the drive, or find the invoice, can’t tell you right now.
One has a total powered-on time of 51534 hours, and the other 49499 hours.
As for their actual age (manufacturing date), the only way to know is to look at the sticker on the drive, or find the invoice, can’t tell you right now.
$ for i in /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WD*; do sudo smartctl --all $i | grep Power_On_Hours; done
9 Power_On_Hours 0x0032 030 030 000 Old_age Always - 51534
9 Power_On_Hours 0x0032 033 033 000 Old_age Always - 49499
Follow the official documentation, nothing else comes close.
I have automated this process in my nextcloud ansible role
module), all syslogsfrom all server to a central rsyslog server (over TCP/SSL, example here). Use lnav
or something similar to consume the logssecurity
with containers, software maintainers also need to keep their image up-to-date with latest security fixes (most of them don’t) - whereas these are usually handled by unattended-upgrades or similar in a VM. Then put out a new release and expect users to upgrade ASAP. Or rebuild and encourage redeploying the latest
image every day or so, which is bad for other reasons (no warning for breaking changes, the software must be tested thoroughly after every commit to master
In short this adds the burden of proper OS/image maintenance for developers, something usually handled by distro maintainers.
trivy is helpful in assessing the maintenance/vulnerability level of OCI images.
Please not these posts again
This thread is pinned for a reason:
You are right. Quadlets require 4.4, Debian 12 has 4.3
and docker
command-line are 100% compatible for my use casespodman-compose is packaged in a separate podman-compose
package in Debian 12 (did not try it though). The only thing missing (for me) in Debian 12 is quadlets support (requires podman 4.4+, Debian 12 has 4.3)
I use tt-rss and the android app + theme + markdown parser + extensions.
Just drop all your markdown files in a directory and run sphinx-build
. Highly customizable but also works out of the box
You just have to find the channel_id buried in the page source
I use this Firefox addon for that: - really useful
I wrote this ansible role to setup dovecot IMAP server. Once a year I move all mail from the previous year from various mailboxes to my dovecot server (using thunderbird).
Nice! I suggest adding a link to in in the README
wget --continue --timestamping --show-progress
wget --continue --timestamping --show-progress
gpg --import "tails-signing.key"
wget --continue --timestamping --show-progress
gpg --keyid-format 0xlong --verify tails-amd64-6.8.1.iso.sig tails-amd64-6.8.1.img
(adapted from my script /
I think any kind of graphical application should have at least one screenshot linked in documentation/README
docker system prune --all
as one should do periodically to clean up the garbage docker leaves on your system. Lose all your data (this will delete even named volumes if they are not in use by a running container)The fact that you absolutely need to run
docker system prune --all
regularly to get rid of GBs of unused layers, test containers, etc, combined with the fact that it deletes explicitely named volumes makes them too unsafe for my taste. Just use bind mounts.