• 2 Posts
Joined 27 days ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2025

  • I think part way into your post, you started leaning away from the question but I digress.

    I haven’t dated in 2 years going 3 but that is simply because there’s too much going around me internally and externally to where I simply can’t afford a relationship. A relationship is starting to seem like a luxury of its own, in a way of like investing into it. If you don’t have anything in order in your life, why should you get into one? Because once you’re in a relationship, you are always spending in some form. Spending money or time or both, usually both.

    Just try to avoid potential partners that want to date you because you’re succeeding in whatever career you pursue, because success can attract moochers and that’s something you don’t want that’ll bring things down. There are some people out there that do find people who’re focusing on careers or goals attractive and may want that since they’re also doing the same thing. Maybe that’s your type.

  • The United States will no longer be a member of NATO or the United Nations or both. The US is being labeled as an adversary by Germany, so in 10 years, the United States may very well lose half of it’s allies because of these 4 years we’re enduring.

    Russia could still lose it’s war with Ukraine and may have lost because of the combined efforts of the EU since the US 10 years ago (accounting the time scale) has abandoned Ukraine. Russia and the United States could very well be allies by this point which would make the world arm themselves since we’re seeing countries retaliate in trade wars.

    Inflation in 10 years will be the new norm because no politician, Democrat or Republican, can’t ever get their marbles of a grasp on holding corporations accountable.

    Speaking of Corporations, in 10 years, they would’ve sucked dry and owned well over every important asset, service and many acquisitions along the way. We would have to make the term ‘Megacorp’ to identify these corporations by.

  • This is the list, for those who don’t want to read it. I don’t see Adguard Adblocker on there, surprisingly or SponsorBlock. Besides UBlock Origin, which is a staple extension of mine for all browsers and we’ve long knew about Google’s approach to that. I haven’t seen a lot of what I use/used on here. I don’t even know most of these.

    360 Ads Blocker
    Adblock Fast
    Awesome Bookmarks Button
    Block Ads
    Bookmark All
    Bookmark It
    Bookmark Lock
    Bookmark Manager Speed Dial
    Bookmark My Tabs
    Comodo Ad Blocker
    Comodo Online Security Pro
    Content Blocker
    Delicious Bookmark Bar Sync
    Domain Blocker
    Ethical AdBlock -- Ad Blocker
    Fast Bookmark
    Ghostery Private Search for Chrome
    Google Ad Blocker
    Google Privacy Shade
    Hover Zoom+
    Little Bookmark Box
    Location Guard
    MalwareAI Browser Security
    Pinboard Bookmark Bar Sync
    Popup Fixer
    Privacy Cleaner
    Privacy Extension
    Private Bookmarker
    Private Bookmarks
    Simple Site Blocker
    Touch VPN
    Trump Blocker
    TunnelBear Blocker
    Website Blocker
    Wikipedia Popup
    YouTube Anywhere Remote

  • There’s almost nothing that can be done in a case of a voter who makes bad decisions. They’d have to learn to live with the consequences caused by their poor decision making. You can show them, you can educate them and you can rationalize with them all day. But, they just have to face the music. Which is what I believe anyone who voted for Trump is going to have to go through. They think voting for him will make their lives better when he’s most likely going to make them struggle day after day if not put them out of whatever comfort zone that they once had.

    They don’t seem to register in their minds that voting for a bad leader is going to affect everyone involved, not just pick and choose what groups of people to affect.

    The unfortunate part is someone had mentioned that it is a patience thing and it is all about time. It could be years for them to finally see whatever light there is to see that shine on the errors of their poor decision making. Quite frankly, I do not have all of the time in the world and I don’t exactly know how much time I truly do have left, so I just brand them as hopeless and move on.

  • It depends and I judge based on what a person has done.

    Can a murderer change? Well, they’ve taken a life or maybe numerous lives so I place them on the irreversible pile. Those who can’t change because let’s say, they might’ve had multiple chances to change prior to murdering and they blew them all.

    Can an addict change? Possibly, if they haven’t gone far deep into the addiction. There will always be some kind of change opportunity for them and they haven’t done irreparable damage yet.

    You have to evaluate people by levels and where their stances are in life.