What? You mean to tell me that he is not called Sir Prime Minister Mr. Keir Rodney Starmer? Unbelievable.
What? You mean to tell me that he is not called Sir Prime Minister Mr. Keir Rodney Starmer? Unbelievable.
He wears the common man’s clothes.
ohh emm gee he’s just like me! for real!
Well, I’ll wait with it for now. Not too long ago, I installed Ubuntu on my spare laptop, but I don’t really use it that often. And before I do switch, I’ll probably go through everything I use and see what the Linux alternative is, unless of course it already works on it.
I’ve been thinking about Windows 10 and how it’s support is gonna end in 2025. Might install a Linux distro once it’s time.
Ahh Mastodon strikes again. I’m actually grateful that BlueSky opened up, it’s a much better experience imo.
EDIT: You can downvote me all you want, but it won’t change the fact that I like BlueSky more than Mastodon. lol
That would actually be nice.
Why of course the US and Bhutan.
I hope so.
They have small hands, good for fitting into pockets. Turn them into little pickpockets.
So is it better to min-max everything? Including the videos that you might watch?
This should help:
It’s a net positive if those people are able to transition into other roles/ jobs.
I would love to use it, instead of YouTube but two things hold me back.
I love it when scrollbars are like, half an atom wide. Makes it easy to use the website.
Welcome to Lemmy! Hope you’ll have a good time here!
Captain Hands?
Absolutely stellar work from every person who contributes to Lemmy. With each new release Lemmy is becoming more and more accessible and just plain better.
Hmm I haven’t come across actual skill checks, sometimes you get certain dialogue options if you have certain skills, but the only check I’ve come across is the persuasion system, which admittedly is closer Oblivion. I do think that this dialogue system is one of their better ones tho.
I’d probably say that its even closer to fallout 3’s system.
Mr. Sir Man