So, a new not-a-markup-language, only human readable and editable, and objectively better than its predecessor? Well, it’s all according to tradition. I believe YAML got its start the same way.
So, a new not-a-markup-language, only human readable and editable, and objectively better than its predecessor? Well, it’s all according to tradition. I believe YAML got its start the same way.
YAML to JSON is probably doable, JSON back to YAML not so much.
There are multiple ways to mark multiline strings in YAML. Then there are anchors, like bionicjoey mentioned. Also comments, YAML has them. You’d have to have some way to retain the extra information, if you want to make the full round trip.
Here’s an example:
def-db: &def-db
# here be dragons
login: admin
passwd: nimda
db: *def-db
desc: |
I'm a teapot
short and stout
<<: *def-db
passwd: pass
desc: "I'm a teapot\nshort and stout\n"
converted to JSON looks like this
"def-db": {
"login": "admin",
"passwd": "nimda"
"prod": {
"db": {
"login": "admin",
"passwd": "nimda"
"desc": "I'm a teapot\nshort and stout\n"
"dev": {
"db": {
"login": "admin",
"passwd": "pass"
"desc": "I'm a teapot\nshort and stout\n"
I can’t even remember the last time I pirated a game.
I do. 2008, Sims 2. I owned a legit copy, but the DRM was too much of a hassle, plus I didn’t want my kids to scratch the discs. So I pirated a playable, child-proof version.
I almost got a bingo by checking off things I’ve muttered to myself.
Seems you’re not the only one, as some cargo pants have “smart phone pockets”. I’ve a pair of those, and at least iPhone 12 Pro fits.
Distro developers were notified a month ago. At least Redhat and Debian have have published fixed versions. This is common procedure.
My point, if I had one, would be that “boring, repetitive multiplayer games” are so much fun, for so many, that calling people to stop playing them is an exercise in futility.
That said, I find them un-fun, too. Mostly because I constantly get my ass kicked, but also because I enjoy slower, 4x and plot driven games more. To each their own.
competitive, multiplayer games. “I do the same thing with the same guns on the same map every day and I’m bored. Gaming is boring.”
Sounds a lot like football, except for the guns. Opposing team has new skins for every game, but the game loop is exactly same for every game, all the game. And the map, oh gods, the map! Notice the singular? Yeah, there’s actually just one map. Some background textures change, but functionally it’s always the same green rectangle with some lines drawn over.
Can’t remember the first airline proper, but my first flight was with a bush pilot. Old, well beaten floatplane, the first leg of our trip. Took a week to walk back, stopping to fish on every lake along the way.
Fair enough. I was kidding, but downvoting a joke that lame is well deserved.
Most probably none of those are proper IPAs. The ‘I’ in IPA stands for India. IPA is only half-done, if it did not travel on a sailboat around the Africa from England to India.
It’s literally water. Russian voda (water) + ka (diminutive suffix). Vodka = “little water”.
Well, it kinda, sorta does.
Hentai is a compound of ‘hen’ and ‘tai’, which mean ‘weird’ and ‘appearance’, respectively. Hentai means ‘transformation’ or ‘abnormality’. If we’re talking about sex, it’s usually shortened from ‘hentai seiyoku’, ‘abnormal sexual want’, or to put it bluntly, perversion.
women can move anywhere on their row/column/diagonal
Not all of them. Pawns are women, too, because they can be promoted to queens but not to kings. They can also be promoted to bishops, which means that women are accepted into clergy by chess’ church.
I thought box on wheels was 70’s and 80’s. The same era when sports cars were doorstops on wheels. And by all gods, they were hideous.
Hen tai literally means ‘weird appearance’. Hentai van is weird looking, usually Japanese van, for example Nissan S-Cargo.
Not OP, but I kinda agree with them.
Teams are abstract, it’s easier to project your own ideals on to them. Not completely unlike respecting the office, even if loathing the politician currently holding it. It becomes “our thing”.
Also teams have longevity, or at least potential for longevity. Where I live, the two major local ice-hockey teams are founded in 1928 and 1967. There are families with generations of fans. Athlete’s career could be over in a decade.