Results from me asking this 1Y ago:
Went with Joplin and using it since.
Results from the same question 1 month ago:
Windows Recall
Because of pacman. Building and writing packages is simple and dependencies are slim. Also packages are recent. And most likely “there is an AUR package for that”. Also stack transitions arrive early, like pipewire.
Also let’s not forget Arch Wiki, i bet you have read it as a non Arch user.
I administer Arch on 8 machines including gaming rigs, home server, web server, kids laptop, wifes gaming desktop, audio workstation and machine learning rig and a bunch of dev laptops. I also use ArchARM on RPi for some home automation.
Never considered switching since I switched from Ubuntu over 15 years ago.
I do have experience with several other rpm and apt based distros.
Gelsinger said the market will have less demand for dedicated graphics cards in the future.
In other news, Intel is replaced by Nvidia in the Dow Jones, a company that exclusively produces dedicated graphics cards:
Results from me asking this 1Y ago:
Went with Joplin and using it since.
What if I told you this option doesn’t actually get respected?
that executes a script on your Windows.
I don’t have a Windows.
The issue here is that the cheese gets consumed for the sandwitch. Knowledge does not lost when it gets passed. Cheese does.
Which current headsets have you tested? By any chance Vision Pro or Quest 3? I consider these the state if the art.
It’s MIT and actually a fork of Mono. Reading the article helps.
How is generating porn exactly how I want it not useful?
This is the only realistic answer in this thread.
How could that be considerably better than what we have now? It seems to be solved now with stans alone consumer headsets. Or do you anticipate a brain interface in consumer products in the next 10 years?
With open version you don’t mean open source right? Because it’s open source. MIT is also not a restricitve license.
Lets wait for any LLM do a single sucessful MR on Github first before starting a project on its own. Not aware of any.
There is an active fork
C++ vs JavaScript
This seems to be the most common question in this sub…
Results from me asking this 1Y ago:
Went with Joplin and using it since.
Results from the same question 2 months ago:
Results from the same question 1 months ago: