Suppose you live in a disputed region claimed by three different warlords. Would you have to serve triple the time, or would you be forced to pick a side?
Kinda cool how much auto-correct and noise filters can do… kinda uncool to use the same as leverage against humanity.
Wait… so… this was not a joke? They’re serious?
No, no, copilot… I said jindar, the jedi master.
Given that alchohol could concievably be a fuel, you might have something there.
It’s one of those things that’s not important untill it is. I seem to recall a kernel panic when launching software for a video interview, and in that moment… yeah… i felt every second of boot-up time.
Strong “otherworldly” vibes.
Polystrate fossils are a key indicator of this being true. Maybe not those overlapping one-or-two layers, but the fossilized trees that cut through many layers, as that logically sets the date of those layers to be the same (geologically speaking; before the tree can rot). Although I don’t know this to be true, I would not be surprised to find an unbroken chain of fossilized trues from the top of the geologic column right to the bottom, which would prove this idea writ large…
I wonder if Google would even bother to do the reverse. Is anyone searching for bing?
Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I think the “shipyard guys” are trying to tackle 1 & 2 (as well as lessening the concrete on #3). Though, I would be surprised if your numbers for #3 are right… it seems odd to me that a ton of concrete would produce about a ton of CO2 (but maybe it’s just one of those counter-intuitive things!). Thorium is interesting for #3/mining because it is produced (unrefined) by rare-earth mines (unlike special-purpose uranium mines). As for #4, I would argue simply that it is “better than coal” insomuch as we have neither found a good way of dealing with the fly-ash and soot-ash from coal power plants (yet they operate); i.e. ash ponds & coal ash impoundments.
I’d probably donate it to the Thorium guys. Either the ones that just built the reactor research lab in Texas, or the shipyard ones. If coal becomes economically obsolete, the gigatons of CO2 will drop off like a rock.
Causality fracturing. Partly because observing Mandala effects. Basically causality has inertia and plasticity like matter, so soft changes bend and big changes tear, and inertial mass is also proportional to the time between the incursion and excursion points.
I read someone saying the bandwidth is costly.
Well… OS could also mean open source, or operating system, and still work well enough for an acronymic moniker.
pmos - Memorable as akin to CMOS, except it is a Package Manager for Open Suse.
Probably a new weapons system test. Maybe surviellance related.
Sometimes they name things well… :)
IIRC, there were a few fetal transports (rather than c-sections).
For this to be true, wouldn’t it have to be common to reshare porn?