At the right distance it’s just enough pivot to give them a spiteful shoulder check on the way out.
TS releases do have good audio. Cams in general have a lot of visual problems though; poor color accuracy, warping, incomplete frames, sometimes people moving around, things like that. Also pretty much every cam I’ve seen lately has been covered in ads for sketchy gambling sites throughout the entire runtime. None of this makes for a good viewing experience.
Also, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cam with subtitles available.
I expect they mean the site, because that’s been my experience. Whenever I get captcha’d there for using a VPN (which is getting more and more common), I always see the Maps image style captcha. Like 60% of the time it tells me I’m wrong anyway and I just give up.
They do indeed
With opnwrt you can do DNS hijacking, where you force redirect DNS requests for other servers to your own DNS server. This works as long as they aren’t encrypted (DNS over HTTPS or TLS), which most devices don’t use.
Yes, ProtonVPN still provides port forwarding. They randomly assign you a single port every time you connect, so you’ll have to update the settings in qB occasionally, but it’s manageable.
Correct, Backblaze is their own host and post on their blog often about their tech and processes. They’ve got a lot of good info on how they designed their server storage racks and stats on drive failures by brand etc
Auto injected context-aware ads are becoming increasingly common these days. Lots of podcast providers will use your IP or user information (if available) to select ads for your area or personal data and and they’ll splice it into your download. It almost always interrupts the flow of discussions but the ones I’ve heard are at least usually good enough to happen at the end of sentences and not mid sentence or mid word.