uh… ok? So now it’ll be controlled by someone who DOES want to be the next Musk or Zuckerberg?
uh… ok? So now it’ll be controlled by someone who DOES want to be the next Musk or Zuckerberg?
If you’ve noticed, they’re doing everything they can to make him look less attractive. Shitty aspect ratios, bad white balance, editing the picture, terrible focal lengths…
They’re scared. It’s hilarious, because they’re so blatantly obviously scared.
In your defense, this literally happened with the Wolfenstein game remake.
As someone with first hand experience growing up in the country, you could not be more wrong.
I’m point out establishment liberals that ARE listening to progressives, or are progressives themselves.
Because you’re cherry picking people to be “establishment liberals.”
Bernie sanders exists. AOC exists. Etc etc etc
And then the trolley cross track drifts and murders six people while the third party voter feels smug and self-righteous about ‘doing the right thing’.
The time to prevent the construction of the trolley, to prevent people from being kidnapped from their homes and tied to trolley tracks, is every time other than the election, so your election options are the ‘Not Murdering People With Trolleys’ group.
During the election, you minimize harm.
And for everything else, you push for improvements.
The time to suddenly pull a principled stance about Trolleys out of your ass is not ten seconds before your inaction kills people.
You need to care before the trolley is barrelling down the tracks.
He made $12000 off each fired employee.
Yeah, you enjoy your day and your strawman arguement you ‘won’ against as well.
Also, c’mon, their criticism of this decision in the sentence just before it heavily implies that.
That’s literally not how that works, and you even agree in the paragraph above this one. Why are you even arguing about this?
As for twitch’s working conditions, it’s a company ran by amazon, with management by amazon, so it has a lot of the same problems. From what I understand, the hours are shit, everything is a metric that’s impossible to meet, you’re constantly at risk of being laid off, a lot of the management are jackasses, and it’s very much a bunch of little fiefdoms trying to flex their position and abuse any amount of power they can.
Like, I can sum it up as simply as “Know how terrible twitch mods are? Imagine working for one.”
Not quite as bad as the conditions working in an amazon warehouse, sure, but still not something anyone should have to put up with. Regular inhuman working conditions with a focus on gaslighting and abuse, as opposed to an amazon warehouse’s egregiously inhuman working conditions which are focused more on physical abuse.
They’re talking about the working conditions in general, which are indeed deplorable. They’re not saying this specific act is proof of it, or even an example of it.
Reading comprehension, dude.
Google is spending a lot of cash to make Firefox look bad so people are unmotivated to change away from Chrome when manifest v3 is fully rolled out.
Because it’s cheaper than actually implementing working anti heat instead of just stealing control of your computer and leaving gaping vulnerabilities on it.
After all, why would they care? It’s not their computer.
Google really wants to make sure you can’t escape their ad-riddled bullshit when they get rid of Manifest v2
What a weird combination of suggestions.
“Enjoy nature! Volunteer! Support local projects! Litter.your community with graffiti!”
Removed by mod
Honestly, these days it’s pretty simple. The thing you need to remember is that you do not need to know EVERYTHING all at once. Learn a little bit, use it, keep what you use, discard what you don’t, get it in muscle memory, and learn a bit more. Very quickly you’ll be zooming through vim.
You can learn the basics, and go from there- the basics of vim (which imo everyone should know- vi is often the fallback editor), and then you can just casually learn stuff as you go.
Here’s the basics for modern default/standard vim: Arrow keys move you around like you expect in all ‘modes’ (there’s some arguments about if you should be using arrow keys in the vim community- for now, consider them a crutch that lets you learn other things). There’s two ‘modes’- command mode, and edit mode.
Edit mode acts like a standard, traditional text editor, though a lot of your keybinds (e.g. ctrl-c/ctrl-v) don’t work.
Press escape to go back into command mode (in command mode, esc does nothing- esc is always safe to use. If you get lost/trapped/are confused, just keep hitting escape and you’ll drop into command mode). You start vim in command mode. Press i to go into edit mode at your current cursor position.
To exit vim entirely, go to command mode (esc), and type :wq<enter>.
‘:’ is ‘issue command string’,
‘w’ is ‘write’, aka save,
‘q’ is quit.
In other words, ‘:wq’ is ‘save and quit’
‘:q’ is quit without saving, ‘:w’ is save and don’t quit. Logical.
Depending on your terminal, you can probably select text with your mouse and have it be copied and then pasted with shift-ins in edit mode, which is a terminal thing and not a vim thing, because vim ties into it natively.
That gets you started with basically all the same features as nano, except they work in a minimal environment and you can build them up to start taking advantage of command mode, which is where the power and speed of vim start coming into play.
For example ‘i’ puts you in edit mode on the spot- capital i puts you in command mode at the beginning of the line. a is edit mode after your spot- capital A is edit mode at the end of the current line.
Do you need these to use vim? Nope. Once you learn them, start using them, and have them as muscle memory, is it vastly faster to use? Yes. And there’s hundreds of keybinds like that, all of which are fairly logical once you know the logic behind them- ‘insert’ and ‘after’ for i/a, for example.
Fair warning, vim is old enough that the logic may seem arcane sometimes- e.g. instead of ‘copy and paste’ vim has ‘yank and put,’ because copy/paste didn’t exist yet, so the keybinds for copy/paste are y and p.
I’d you want immutability and things that just works, snaps are the exact opposite of what he needs. I’m gearing up to swap away from Ubuntu for the same reasons as him, and the snap ecosystem is utterly fucked and accelerating my timetable daily.
I’ve never seen something so damn broken, and it gets more so every update. It’s gotten to the point of where snap store will just straight up log me out of my session out of the blue when it finds an update so it can install it, losing all of my work.
Man, there is a LOT of people in this thread hoping to normalize this, or pretend it will happen anyway, or that it’s ‘not really a PR disaster’, or that people will ignore it, or-
Go make your money elsewhere, christ.
Why are you pushing this guy to replace the non-working spy unit with a WORKING spy unit?