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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2025


  • In the US, at least, nearly all corporations digitized around the late nineties while buying into personality test nonsense.

    At this time the screening was more simple than it was today, keyword searches and yes/no personality decisions that eliminated over 90% of applicants.

    Now with LLMs they can eliminate nearly all applicants, giving them more legal justification to request visas or outsource.

  • Except he did change his content, has made more contributions to charity than you have, and has done more than what’s asked.

    And I can guarantee your first website interaction was Facebook based on your beliefs. Nothing he did was outrageous, the actions were misplaced in time by ten years. Should he have been more mature? Sure. But no one that grew up on the internet would find his humor shocking or really any more offensive than south Park.

    In your eyes as long as someone makes a mistake their evil for life, well let’s execute everyone over 20 then. We all know what forums were like. We all know what voice chats were like.

  • All of those events were after gamergate… and it was already acceptable which was the problem.

    And I’m not defending him, I’m correcting the timeline for you ridiculous people. You newcomers to the internet genuinely have no idea what the pre-iphone internet was like, especially gaming communities. PewDiePie was always on the safer child friendly side.

    If we forget what progress has been made and demonize everyone that has corrected their mistakes were just stuck with you people. And you people just suck. You’re not actually inclusive, you’re not actually offensive, you just confirm to whatever you think will not get you in trouble. Aka the original meaning of politically correct; being nice on the surface without meaning any of it.

  • He grew up on the internet during the wild West period, with that being his point of reference for social acceptability. He didn’t evolve with the rest of the internet as more diverse groups and more ‘moral’ groups changed what was acceptable.

    His three major incidents were saying the n word, wearing an SS uniform when doing a response video to an article writer that called him a Nazi, and getting some fiverr people to write a sign that said ‘kill all jews’ by taking advantage of the fact they apparently didn’t speak English. He’s apologized for all but the middle multiple times and essentially left most of the internet after having his kid.

    But since we’re in the era of the internet we’re in, nothing is ever forgotten or forgiven no matter what, and with the rise of actual Nazis across the world anyone that ever made edgy jokes or used inappropriate language has generally been swept up in it.

    That all being said he’s not exactly a great person, despite his massive charity work, he’s just another entertainer, like all the rest. No better or worse than your average random person that got money and wealth way too young.

  • Correction, he’s apologized for and expressed remorse multiple times but stopped apologizing after a subset of people completely outside of any potential audience of anyone related to the internet wouldn’t let it go.

    Many people that discovered the internet later in life and believe that people are once and always evil no matter what still think he’s racist/a Nazi. We call those people the web 3.0 people and they’re why reddit was ruined, why Tumblr got the rep it did, and why we don’t listen liberals on matters of inclusion anymore.

  • That’s great and all, but your criticism needs to be redirected at yourself. Gay people aren’t gods. Neither are Jews. Neither are disabled people.

    They are not ubermensch to which we should sacrifice our children to unwillingly.

    They are not special. No one is.

    If your cause is great you’ll have no problem finding volunteers for your war. If not the cause wasn’t that great. You don’t get to tell others how they should die or what they should fight for. The right of life and death over themselves is the only true right that humans have, and violating that right is the most evil thing; whether it is murder, genocide, or conscription ending in either.

    Nazis are awful, they deserve to die. I’ll probably die fighting them based on my class and characteristics. But forcing someone in front of their bullets for my life would make me as evil as they are.