Fuck Nationalists, White Supremacists, Nazis, Fascists, The Patriarchy, Maga, Racists, Transphobes, Terfs, Homophobes, the Police.
Its cool seeing the Mullvad team keep pushing forward with privacy related services. If I ever need to search Google with JS turned off, I’ll use…SearXNG, but this is cool too.
More privacy related defaults. Essentially the about:config is more or less filled out for you on Ironfox.
The meaning of life is to search for the meaning of life.
Yep. Use it every day. It’s awesome.
Meh. Stock up on crowbars, axes, hammers, screwdrivers, etc. Drive into the hills and away from the cities, stock up on as much canned food and water I can cram into my tiny ass car. I don’t have a gun nor know how to use it, but I’d probably try and kill a cop zombie at some point after the outbreak. Then only use it on myself if it looks like it be eaten alive.
Otherwise I’d try to live a quiet secluded life reading books, attempting to garden, fish, and trap small game animals. All while mourning my loved ones while waiting for the weight of the depression to finally convince me life isn’t worth living in such a state. Hopefully that takes a good long while, but yknow…that’s unlikely.
I’d likely die of starvation or dehydration before the zombies got me, unless we’re talking sprinters…then no way.
I used to play Project Zomboid. The game mechanics make the learning difficulty high and you have to start from the beginning if you die…and there is no plot nor point to the story other than just survive in a world where you are the sole survivor of a zombie outbreak. It forces you into thinking like this often the longer you play. Amazing game, but very depressing.
I knew dudemanguy would eventually make a post like this. I use the distro(Artix Linux) he’s a maintainer on Artix, and he’s a solid dude that is always willing to help and gives solid help.
I have both riverwm and bspwm along with Wayland and X on my system and honestly have stuck on X because getting my workflow exactly the same on Wayland has been a technical hurdle of learning Zig (riverwm is written in Zig), and so far, with the exception of the occasional race condition, X just works.
I want to convert to Wayland, and will probably get around to making my own custom scripts in zig for working with riverwm. But until then, X/bspwm is where I live.
This, and take physical notes, or at least make notes in something you can refer to on a screen that is not your phone, ideally another desktop or a laptop computer with internet access in case something unexpected comes up during the physical install and you need to search the archwiki or the wider internet.
G Hitman
Zuck, just go to prison already. You wanna be a man? Stand up to the bully in the room and go to prison. Gives you plenty of sparring partners to practice all that BJJ.
And when you’re ultimately stabbed a million times in the chest, at least your daughters won’t be as ashamed of you as they will be when they look back on this moment… yknow, as they cry golden tears into trillion dollar bills.
FSociety has Elliot, the god hacker. Pied Piper has Gilfoyle and Richard…supreme developers.
It depends at what they’re trying to win at. At developing an application? Pied Piper wins. At hacking said application? FSociety.
Sorry to hear that. I’ll admit I don’t buy ebooks. Yoho yoho and all that. And yeah, I also never turn on wifi. Have you tried a hard reset?
If you believe your self, your awareness, your consciousness are manifestations of neurons firing in a brain, then as soon as those stop, you cease to be.
I believe that those neurons are a sort of radio signal, and that the self as I know it is a kind of wave transmitted from some time/place. When the body dies and the brain dies with it, I believe that connection is gone, and that signal is lost, but that the time/place from which the signal originated still exists. This doesn’t indicate that I, the self, still am somehow alive or exist in some other way, the specific manifestation of myself as who I an is gone in this case, but I do take some solace in the fact that the signal that propagated the awareness of my own being still goes on.
Kobo is the answer. It used to require some finicking to get it so you didn’t have to sign up with Walmart, but now that’s supposedly no longer an issue (I’ve had my Kobo for a long time). Install Calibre and the Kobo extension for Calibre. You now can borrow epubs from your local library, purchase them from your favorite online ebook store, or sail the high seas if you don’t give a fuck.
Oh man, Trump…I had this thing I wanted to give you…where did I put it…oh yeah…🖕
Anywhere but Amazon or Facebook.
Well its been a while, but it looks like proxygram no longer works. Guess stick with imginn.
You can still use lite and then use bangs. !ddgi myimagesearch
will immediately redirect you to ddg images. Duckduckgo has a plethora of useful quick search shortcuts called Bangs. Even if you don’t use lite, bangs are worth looking into imho.