Yeah I tried ImHex and with it I am able to change values now… I don’t know why
Yeah I tried ImHex and with it I am able to change values now… I don’t know why
Nono, i cannot input any values, that’s the problem. Anyhow, I tried ImHex and with it I am able to change values now… I don’t know why
I don’t know I tried ImHex and with it I am able to change values now… I don’t know why
Cannot input any value. I tried ImHex and with it I am able to change values now… I don’t know why
Ook thanks
The server could decrypt or could be machines attached to the server that store data
My Dell XPS is perfectly compatible with linux
I don’t know man, seems to me XMPP is more secure (unless you trust Signal) and simple to use because you have to jump less hoops
If yo run your signal server does it come with the new quantum E2EE?
And how do I tell may client to use only a specific server?
I’m using molly for several months now it is really nice but recently I dive myself in XMPP and it is superior to molly/signal just because XMPP servers are auditable amd you can actually see if the server is using encryption or not while signal servers are closed source unfortunately, it’s their only flaw
Molly is a different client for signal so yes it will require it because signal does
Uninstalling that garbage is free
Where do you see open circles? I don’t understand sorry
I saw him with “-1” so actually 2 people not just one person have misclicked according to your theory. Hmmm i don’t know, but i hope it’s true, better then the alternative
Get in the robot Shinji
If you press P you can get rid of them
Open btop in the terminal, then (note the terminal window must not be in fullscreen) right click with the mouse on the top bar of the terminal window and select “Always on top”.
Don’t understand why someone should downvote you, take my upvote instead
I think you are right, I saw a different set of numbers in the left bar, but with ImHex the numbers were “correct”