every google site has been doing this for years too. every comment we write in youtube and discard before posting, its being recorded. this isnt news at all.
every google site has been doing this for years too. every comment we write in youtube and discard before posting, its being recorded. this isnt news at all.
be mindful of what info you want out of instagram before opening it. open it, get what you were looking for and get out. dont let it suck you in. turn off notifications. maybe install it in the work profile (if you use android) and leave the profile disabled when youre not using it.
i try to only open it once a week, like i do with my personal email. otherwise i get sucked into it when i procrastinate. but i admit i mostly rely on some friends finding out about local events.
you underestimate too much. trump is just a face, there are plenty of people working with him and planning all kinds of shit. any kid plans some trickeries while playing board games. what makes you think a political group is incapable of forethought?
the article mentions that the tool takes into consideration architecture, distance between buildings and so on. i think youd have to mess up the backgrounds somehow
i would guess that people that deactivate js are fine not using google for search
i struggle to see how this problem transfers to fake news regulation
transparency is precisely what can make regulations not be censorship, or I should hope so.
When a judge decides to convict someone of murder, we all know they might be wrong. The judge is not entitled to decide what objective reality is, he just decides how the judiciary system sees and treats the situation, as someone has to do it.
The same thing should be applied to fake news, which is sharing (dis)information with the false appearance of some verified news piece to influence people into making certain decisions.
Of course, there’s a big potential for censorship in how we treat fake news. So this treatment should follow clear objective criteria and be absolutely transparent.
who knows… but the us has softer means to pressure europe
Pointing that A is like B regarding the aspect X is often treated as a “comparison” between A and B, but it doesnt imply that A is as great, as important, or as bad as B. It doesnt imply that A is like B in any way other than in the aspect X.
Why not focus on the point that is being made instead of freaking out over the angles from which the analogy breaks down. Every analogy breaks down from some angle.
thats different from fake news, still
who is talking about thought crime? spreading fake news can be dangerous in a way that results in actual deaths.
people being offended by comparisons is something that puzzles me every time i see it.
One common trait between two things is enough to make an analogy. The differences between the objects being compared doesnt hinder the argument as it is based on the similarities alone.
to not piss off computer scientists and mathematicians with their dear word “algorithm”, you may want to narrow it down with the expression recommendation algorithms.
he folded to brazilian courts last year. but now, with trump in power, he may have more means to pressure back.
why dont they show ads in albania?
it could be interesting for discussing the practice of oeganization, not for actually organizing through lemmy. Like there are forums for discussing self-hosting online services and so on.
Never said AGI would be unable to.
we wont get any good revolution by just throwing stuff around. planning and organization are the most important aspects of a revolution