As a hypothetical, say it became easy to grab water from objects in space and then move it places that needed (Africa / the gulf). What would the end results be for the global climate over time? Would you just end up with a flooded earth? Would temperatures rise or fall as time goes on? allows you to see what would be left above water at a given amount of sea level rise. It’s not a complete answer to your question but you can use it to run animations with different ranges of added water depending on how crazy you want to get with your sci-fi scenario.
Went to “see North America” and they cut out Canada. Ouch!
I would definitely buy a welly boot company
How much are we talking here? If it’s a shitfuckton I’m pretty sure it would get warmer as ice and land mass would get covered by less reflective water and more water vapor would accumulate in the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas. Also Kevin Costner would be out there doing his shenanigans trying to find some land so we just generally want to avoid this whole scenario because the man is too old for this shit at this point.
You ever see the movie water world?
Boats boats boats
Probably be a lot of water yo.
It would get wet