People should really familiarise themselves with their microwaves instruction manual because using a microwave isn’t just putting something in the microwave and punching in some random amount of time
You need to use power levels with certain foods to avoid over cooking or under cooking them
Instructions? Power levels? Nah, just keep chucking stuff in there and mashing 30s until something happens.
My microwave goes over 9000, is that normal.
mate im lucky if i can find a rock to open my beans with
Nihilism fucking rules.
No, I just eat cold beans out of the can
Just let it sit for a little while until the hot parts warm the cold parts.
Nuke it until it’s hot enough to melt my mouth.
People still have microwaves?
Edit: this was meant to be tongue in cheek and things got out of hand. Just look away.
Do you know of a faster way to heat food that we don’t know about?
Maybe he only eats cold food
You know how food gets hot at restaurants? Turns out you can do that at home.
It has to be faster because you’re so busy, but you have time to stand up for the honor of microwaves on Lemmy. Cool premise, but I’ll pass.
You know that not having time doesn’t mean there’s no way to make time? It means there’s other things you would prefer to spend that time on. You have a finite amount of time per day. If I spend more of it heating food, that’s less time I can spend here, and I gain nothing in return, so why would I do it?