Looks more like an ancient boiler or some arcane machine. Nice, I added it to my backgrounds folder.
What are you putting that background on that that aspect ratio and low resolution is acceptable? A jailbroken ipod nano?
They could use AI to upscale and uncrop it?
If it does not look good as is I will probs crop it to 16:10 with the boilers more centered in the picture. I am using it for my Debian bookworm laptop. It zooms the pictures as best it can, but if I crop it then it zooms that to fit.
Getting really strong Borderlands 2 vibes
Feels like BLAME!, love it.
I literally had the exact same thought. I love BLAME!
Wow, I really like this one.
It’s interesting that it doesn’t seem to recognize the utility of the blocky sections on the cylinders themselves, but anything not directly on the cylinders seems to have a defined purpose and shape. Turbine and centrifuge references must be sparse.
This looks like fallout 3 concept art.
So, this is where the humans will hide after the machines take over…