It happened recently for me - I imagined I’m trying to cancel a gym membership and the gym isgivinfg me a hard time.
I dont have a gym membership at all.
Would it make you more or less frustrated if you imagined you were gym staff trying to explain to someone that they can’t cancel because they never had a membership?
Yes too often and I find it can sometimes leave me emotionally on edge as if it really happened. Wish I could just turn it off.
I noticed this basically stopped happening once I made an effort to erradicate all ragebait content from my internet diet
I practice trying to talk a cop out of a ticket, ordering food at a drive thru and then asking for the food to be corrected, explaining why I used the wrong door at work, declining a happy hour invite, etc. Then sometimes later i have to work hard to remember which ones were fake. I catch myself starting to tell a story about something that happened today that didn’t really happen.
I have full on, rather extravagant rants in my dumb little brain hole on the regular. They usually start out as one sided conversations regarding some imaginary situation.
No I am too busy kicking myself for things I haven’t done irl to worry about made up shit.
Man, I’m lucky I don’t end up punching myself for the shit imaginary things in my head say.
Consider yourself lucky that you don’t have enough real problems if your mind has to invent imaginary ones.