I wait for the WALK sign, I keep it to no more than 5 mph over the speed limit, I use my blinkers, I never jump the line, I keep to the watering schedule, pass the SMOG test every other year, file accurate tax returns…
Champ…or Chump?
If you use your turn signals you’re a champ in my book. I’m also a champ too. We need more champs in this world
You’re a champ. As someone who’s broken plenty of laws and gotten away with it with no consequences, all minor things albeit, following the law is generally a good thing to do. Someone else here mentioned not being so rigid about it, I also agree with that. But in general, it’s a good thing to be a textbook good citizen.
Depends on who your asking. Some would call this being a ‘mindless NPC sheeple’ and others would call this ‘being a responsible and respectable member of society’. Check out the replies to the shopping cart litmus test. Some people justify their self interested assholery along the lines of ‘being a free thinker untainted by shame and societal expectations’. I’m of the opinion these people are douchebags without a shred of consideration or care for anything or anyone but themselves.
You shouldn’t be an unquestioning rule follower, nor should you be a sociopathic self intereted dick, I try to find a balance between the two.
Shopping cart litmus test: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/256670690/
Thank you for bringing up the shopping cart litmus test. I had conceptualized something similar before encountering the idea online. I’ve always grabbed a shopping cart from the parking lot on the way in, and will often pull carts out of parking spaces and return them before I leave. I was delighted to discover r/CartNarcs, needless to say!
Those are basically all safety things, with the exception of the watering schedule which is good stewardship along with smog testing, which is in turn long term safety.
Thus, you are a champ for protecting yourself and others.
The accurate tax return thing is neither here nor there, since we should just be getting a thing from the government saying “this is what we assume based on the forms filed on your behalf from other entities, tell us if it’s wrong”. The burden to be a tax professional shouldn’t at all be on every single individual, it should be the government’s job to track and figure out since it’s their super bizarre rules that change all the damn time anyway. Most of Europe has it figured out, so…
Both probably. Rules depends on the situation. Pushing them is how we make change in the world. Overall I’m a good boy. Passive. I will do whatever to keep the peace. But I have a rebellious streak in me, and a self loathing one apparently, and ended up with a criminal history. I am pretty meek and quiet but if you get me going I will take a stand. I think perhaps I became too flaccid at a certain point. But I’ve pretty much hung out with “rule breakers” my entire life up until this point now that you frame it this way. Some wild ones, too. I can’t blame them at all, mostly. It just depends on which side of the law your on tbh. There is way too much nuance to this lol.
As far as social expectations as rules I usually fail miserably, but can act good enough usually. I have always avoided people. Which is why I like to come here, cause I get to write this out and now I actually feel some type of way.
It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it :)
Champ & chump are not the only options, and I’d say neither
5 mph over the speed limit
You’re not following the rules.
I follow the rules until it’s irrational to follow them. Society needs a common framework for cohesion, but also we need intelligent people not robots.
I agree in theory. But then I see people breaking the rules when it doesn’t “make sense” (as far as they could see) and then nearly fucking things up. My rule is “if I break this rule and it turns out that I didn’t actually have all the important info such that I really should have followed the rule… Well, that’ll be on me. So how confident am I that I really do have all the relevant info?”