8:00pm to midnight. When people leave me alone.
I love mornings because I wake up feeling optimistic about the coming day. Mornings are perfect for getting stuff done — exercise, catch up on work, and run errands before the afternoon crowds hit. The world feels fresh and full of possibility in the mornings before the stresses of the day set in. Waking up early lets me really seize the day.
Eating a proper breakfast at a leisurely pace makes me feel as if I am much better equipped to overcome any adversity I may encounter.
Bedtime. I wish I never had to wake up.
We can have a little death, as a treat.
Morning 🌅🌄
I’ve found my people. Lol
When I’m allowed to leave the office
Depends whether I am working or not. If it has been a workday, then often the half hour or hour that I set aside at the end of the day for reading before I go to sleep.
If I am not working, and don’t need to get up do things immediately, then the time just after waking and before I get breakfast. Maybe read a little, plan the day and check the Web.
Early morning, 5-7am. I like the cold air, empty streets, and the feeling like time has slowed down so I can enjoy it for a little while.
When I get home from work and open my door.
I’m in my 40s and have just recently achieved “having my own place” for the first time in my life, and it’s so incredible.
I love having a sanctuary, a place that I am guaranteed to be able to unwind.
For the first couple months after I moved in here, any time a door would slam in the building, I’d think “Oh darn they’re home”.
Because my whole life before this, alone time was something I got when whoever I was living with happened to be out. I therefore couldn’t control the alone time, and it could end without warning at any time. I’d be in my unwinding phase, recuperating from life and social contact, and then slam the front door would close and my mom, or my roommate, or whoever, would be home.
So now, my favorite part of the day is when my commute is over, and I open the door to my apartment, and it’s just so … mine. Like every aspect of the place is a reflection of a decision I made. I finally have a home.
The exact time varies by season, but I love the “blue hour” - that twilight time when streetlights turn on but there’s still enough natural light to see by. I’ve loved it in the city, in suburbia, and now I love it in the countryside. There’s something almost magical about it, and it makes me feel dreamy yet energized.
I love that time too, unless I’m driving, as visibility is always horrible (in my experience). Weirdly, once it’s properly dark it’s all fine again.
I particularly enjoy the time from 9pm to 1am if I wear headphones, no particular reason tho.
05:15-06:45 while I’m at the gym, quickly followed up by the worst part of the day, shower and breakfast.