Putin Alert! Putin Alert! This guy supports Vladimir Putin! He is undermining the US so that the Russians can invade! Also, the Chinese! Also the… uh… Cubans? Venezuelans? Quebecians? Idk, but its bad! They’re coming to take your freedom! Protect the NSA! PROTECT THE NSA! THEY STAND BETWEEN YOU AND TYRANNY!
Putin Alert! Putin Alert! This guy supports Vladimir Putin! He is undermining the US so that the Russians can invade! Also, the Chinese! Also the… uh… Cubans? Venezuelans? Quebecians? Idk, but its bad! They’re coming to take your freedom! Protect the NSA! PROTECT THE NSA! THEY STAND BETWEEN YOU AND TYRANNY!
Inb4 some Quebec person comes in and complains about “Quebecians”
Phonecians are from phoenix.
Yeahh, those guys invented the phonetic alphabet back in the days, didn’t they? Bravo, Papa Queef!
I’ll allow it, in fact here in Quebecistan we call Cuba comrades. Always have. One of our favorite vacation destination too.