So this was a satirical post (or rage bait; depends on how you see it). The account has been shut down.
Applebee’s selfie… This is absolutely a satirical account.
completely reasonable reaction, reddit is bad
Nice of him to put a destruction-of-property confession in writing. Should make the police report easy.
Depends on if the kid is over or under 18 (in the US, guessing by the name Marty America)
Probably sad-but-true. It really shouldn’t matter; what you give to another person is not still yours.
no violence or abuse in that household… jeeesh. fucking gross
Someone convinced against their will is of the same opinion still. He’s not going to be a Christian because you used violence against him, in fact, he’ll be more likely to want to distance himself from Christianity.
I never understood the logic of coercing beliefs. Like the whole “convert or die” thing in Islam. Surely no matter what you say or do, you may still not believe in it in your heart?
Then I heard a talk by Alan Watts on the general differences between Eastern and Western religions where he points out that Eastern religions are in some ways more similar to psychology than Western ones in that Eastern religions and psychology are concerned about how you feel and think while Western ones are more concerned about how you act, and it clicked: they don’t care about what you believe.
Religious leaders care about conformity and keeping you in line, and the believers care about you not questioning their beliefs so that they themselves aren’t forced to question them as well.
This isn’t about Christianity, this sort of thing is about control. If there was no Christianity this person would’ve smashed their sons computer for some other made up reason.
While I agree 1000%, admitting that Jesus is powerless to affect the morals and behavior of his followers might not be the argument you intended.
His son will be choosing his nursing home.
Someone’s getting put in the cheap home
State funded home and a cardboard coffin. “Why don’t my kids visit?”
I would take picture of this myself as evidence to be legally emancipated
??? not seeing the problem.